Greater Return
Oslo (NO), October 2017 - Kahoot!, the game-based learning platform and one of the fastest-growing learning brands with more than 50 million unique monthly active users, has announced Kahoot! Plus, a premium version of Kahoot! tailored specifically for corporate teams and corporate learning. » MORE |
Strategy and Execution
Cirencester (UK), October 2017 - Fosway Group, a European HR and learning analyst, has announced the appointment of Carole Laithwaite as its Chief Operating Officer. The role supports the continued growth of the firm, with close involvement in Fosway’s overall strategy and execution. » MORE
Demo Available
Pune (IN), October 2017 - UpsideLMS's latest version, 8.0, introduces a new feature for offline mobile learning, which enables learners to access training anytime, anywhere on iOS and Android mobile devices with or without Internet. » MORE
Partnership with Three New Publishers
Camberley (UK), October 2017 - Skillsoft, a global provider of corporate learning, has announced partnerships with Bleeding Edge Press, CCIEin8Weeks, and Rocky Nook to expand its comprehensive IT Skills & Certification and Digital Skills collections. By partnering with these three publishers, Skillsoft adds critical titles that enhance learners’ digital skills and provide best-in-class programmer, developer, creative design, and enterprise IT content to help learners build their skills, improve their productivity, and advance their careers. » MORE
Edinburgh (UK), October 2017 - Stephen Clarke, CEO of WHSmith, recently launched the new "Global Challenges" course at the University of Edinburgh Business School. In celebration of the retailer’s 225 year anniversary, Clarke delivered a lecture about the changing nature of business in an uncertain and globalised world on 06 October. » MORE |
Learning Technologies Awards
London (UK), October 2017 - A programme from Financial Times | IE Business School Corporate Learning Alliance has been shortlisted for one of this year’s Learning Technologies Awards. It’s the first time that this corporate learning provider, formed almost three years ago, has entered these Awards. » MORE |
IT Education
London (UK), October 2017 - With a twenty-year history of leadership roles in IT and education organisations, including three apprenticeships training providers, Gavin’s experience of growing organisations promises an exciting future for Firebrand. » MORE
Kallidus EBook
London (UK), October 2017 - The clear majority of companies, 86% in fact, want to improve compliance training. For many organisations, compliance training continues to prove challenging, with completion rates hovering around the 70% mark. » MORE |
ICDE Focused on OER
Toronto (CA), October 2017 - The International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) Executive Committee has voted to establish an OER advocacy committee. The idea was to reinforce advocacy and increase recognition, policy support, uptake, and use and reuse of OER; to promote collaboration within and attention to the field; and to provide supportive advocacy guidance to ICDE members and stakeholders. During the 27th ICDE World Conference in Toronto, Canada, the OER Advocacy Committee will be officially launched. » MORE |
Explosive Learning Solutions
Oxfordshire (UK), October 2017 - The learning and development consultancy Explosive Learning Solutions (ELS) is conducting a contract liability course as one of the The Defence Academy of the United Kingdom’s range of business skills offerings. Covering contractors’ liability and risk transfer issues, it is intended for Commercial Officers or their equivalents who are in posts that require the ability to review, analyse, negotiate, or accept requests to limit a contractor’s liability on contracts. » MORE
Learning Technologies
London (UK), October 2017 - GoodPractice are delighted to invite L&D professionals to the launch of their latest research report "Learning Technologies: What Managers Really Think". » MORE |
UNESCO World OER Congress 2017
Ljubljana (SI), October 2017 - The second international World OER Congress 2017, held 18-20 September, led to the approval of the Ljubljana OER Action Plan and a revival of the quality debate. Experts and national delegates from 111 countries adopted the 41 recommended actions by acclamation. All United Nations' Member States are urged to mainstream open-licensed resources building knowledge societies and to achieve the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goal 4 on Quality Education. » MORE
Plymouth (UK), October 2017 - An interactive webinar in October will explain how to use digital games to bring the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to life for employees and motivate them to comply with the new data-protection rules. The webinar, "How to 'level up' your workforce for GDPR with games", takes place 18 October, 15:00-15:30 (GMT+1), and challenges organisations to be creative with their GDPR training. » MORE |
Open Education Europa
Brussels (BE), October 2017 - Open Education Europa has announced a call for eLearning Papers on digital and innovative education. We are particularly interested in receiving contributions from people in international projects and early-stage researchers. » MORE |
eLearning Africa
Port Louis (Mauritius) / Berlin (GER), October 2017 - German Chancellor Angela Merkel's Special Representative for Africa was in Mauritius last week for the eLearning Africa conference, where he revealed the scale of German support for digital education. Ms Merkel has long believed in the importance of technology in education-based development aid for Africa, but the increased scale of German involvement was only made clear at eLearning Africa. » MORE
L&D Hackathons
London (UK), October 2017 - Learning-solutions provider Fuse Universal has launched a series of thought-leadership and digital events bringing together global L&D leaders to share the latest thinking in L&D and discuss key topics. » MORE |