Education Technology Unicorns
New Delhi (IN), September 2022 - The hottest factor in India's online education trade proper now could be going offline. After two years of blistering progress, sparked by one of the world's longest Covid-19 college shutdowns, India hosts an increasingly crowded discipline of education technology unicorns. Six hit the US$1 billion valuation milestone due to the March 2020 nationwide lockdown. They joined Byju's, which landed there in 2017, and is now the world's most valuable edtech startup, with a $22 billion price ticket after a funding cycle in March, according to PitchBook Data Inc. » MORE |
Chief Customer Strategy Officer
London (UK), September 2022 - Multi-award-winning author and workplace futurist Karie Willyerd has joined Learning Technologies Group plc (LTG) in the newly created role of Chief Customer Strategy Officer. The newly created role will further enable LTG and GP Strategies to support customers move toward a new era of learning and talent transformation. Willyerd's responsibilities include helping our customers with their learning and talent strategies. » MORE
London (UK), September 2022 - The Learning & Performance Institute (LPI ), one of the foremost accreditation and membership bodies for the learning sector, is pleased to announce that HR technology company Connectr has achieved Accredited Learning Technologies status for the first time. » MORE |
Knowledge Transfer
Cambridge (UK), September 2022 - (by Keith Henry, Director, Client Advocate, Cambashi) They say that knowledge is power, but you need to harness it properly to have real power. For this reason, any company selling products or services into the manufacturing sector needs customer-facing staff who are fluent in the business issues that are of greatest importance to their clients. » MORE
White Paper
Brighton (UK), September 2022 - What happens to learning outcomes if you participate rather than just consume information? This was the question we asked ourselves as we set about looking at which of our recent projects would benefit from deeper, academic research and statistical analysis of learner impact and intentions. » MORE |
Best Results
Brighton (UK), September 2022 - Totara, a leader in learning and engagement and performance management technology, has been awarded two coveted Brandon Hall Group bronze awards for excellence in the Best Results of Blended Learning and Learning Program categories. » MORE |
Back for New Seasons
Brighton (UK), September 2022 - The Learning Hack team has launched new seasons of both its acclaimed podcasts. Great Minds on Learning kicked off with an episode on the contentious theories around Learning Styles, while on the Learning Hack podcast Nigel Paine poses the question: "Is L&D too inward-looking?" » MORE
Group Learning
London (UK), September 2022 - Learning a new language is extremely rewarding, especially when done in a group, in which members can help each other along the journey and share achievements together. Employee satisfaction will skyrocket in doing so, as it helps to build a positive community, upskill workers, increase opportunities, and help to support staff members. » MORE |
Fosway 9-Grid™
London (UK), September 2022 - Fosway Group, one of Europe's leading HR industry analysts, has released its new 2022 9-Grid™ for cloud HR. The operating context for HR teams continues to be challenging, as organisations grapple with yet another "new normal": rampant inflation, broken supply chains, regional conflict, and extreme weather. This new research explores the trends and vendors transforming the cloud HR market. » MORE
Stand-Alone Brand
London (UK), September 2022 - By launching its GP Strategies Division as its own independent brand, Learning Technologies Group plc ("LTG") has highlighted its commitment to increasing its talent transformation offering and growing this specialist division to meet client needs. » MORE
Informational Resilience
Riga (LVA), September 2022 - IREX recently launched a new, open access education platform in five languages: English, Russian, Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian, to help people overcome challenges created by the complicated current-day media landscape with more insight and confidence. It is supplemented with a special feature: blended learning plans for nine lessons that can be freely used by teachers and media literacy trainers. The course is available online at » MORE |
Lifelong Learning
Lillehammer (NO), September 2022 - The Lifelong Learning conference takes place in Lillehammer 15 - 17 February 2023, and this is a reminder of the upcoming deadline for submitting contributions. » MORE |
Gala - 16 November 2022
London (UK), September 2022 - The annual Learning Technologies Awards event has published its short list for the 2022 awards programme, and announcements regarding 20 awards categories, 450 entries, and the gala evening tickets have been released. » MORE |
Awards Ceremony
Vienna (A), September 2022 - TikTok, Substack, Web3 - a whole new digital world is taking shape before our eyes, a world in which the individual will have new and unprecedented opportunities to create, reach an audience, access markets, and make a living. This is why the 13th Global Peter Drucker Challenge essay contest - an annual fixture in the run-up to the Global Peter Drucker Forum - chose as this year's topic: "Towards a Passion Economy - Creating Value with Your Unique Skills". » MORE
Call for Abstracts
Valencia (E), September 2022 - INTED2023, the event’s latest edition, returns to the in-person format and will bring together lecturers and researchers from all over the world. It is an opportunity not to be missed, enabling participants to share experiences and learn from other education experts. The Call for Abstracts is open until 17 November 2022. » MORE |