London (UK), May 2018 - As businesses begin to come to terms with the launch of the GDPR, their compliance journey is only beginning. The culture change required to protect personal data and respect individual rights demands more time and effort. To help businesses on this compliance journey, Skillcast has launched two new tools to conduct internal compliance audits and to provide just-in-time support to their employees. » MORE |
Team Dynamics
Gloucester (UK), May 2018 - To help people make the most appropriate decisions when it comes to working with others, as well as recruiting, promoting, and managing them, Engage in Learning has launched a video-based, interactive online learning programme on "Unconscious Bias". » MORE
Virtual College
Ilkley (UK), May 2018 - Virtual College is bringing its wealth of experience to bear on the problems learners often face in accessing quality leadership and management training. » MORE |
Consultancy Services
Bristol (UK), May 2018 - Agylia is delighted to welcome Roiit, digital learning strategists based in Denmark, to the Agylia Partner Programme. Through the Agylia Partner Programme, Roiit can provide organisations with its digital learning consultancy services, combined with the range of Agylia learning management and mobile learning solutions, to deliver learning experiences that increase learner knowledge and skills, and improve business performance. » MORE
Welten Institute
Heerlen (NL), May 2018 - We have known for a long time that emotions have a strong influence on our actions and on our memory, and therefore also on our learning processes. Negative emotions make learning harder because they can undermine attention, motivation and self-regulation. Positive emotions often have a reinforcing effect. Every teacher knows this, and most take it into account. But in eLearning, which takes place without a teacher, this does not happen. » MORE |
MS Global Learning Consortium
Lake Mary, FL (USA), - May 2018 — The IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS Global/IMS), a non-profit collaborative advancing edtech interoperability, innovation, and learning impact, announced the winners of its annual awards during the Learning Impact Leadership Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 21-24 May 2018. » MORE
LTR Project
Bristol (UK), May 2018 - Following the extensive Learning Technology Research (LTR) Project, Agylia has released the complete LTR Project App, which enables everyone to experience mobile learning apps and microlearning programmes in action. » MORE
Université Paris-Saclay
Paris (F), May 2018 - Physics students are more interested and engaged when they conduct experiments themselves and can share with their fellow team members, according to new research from Université Paris-Saclay. » MORE |
Don’t be Like Joe…
Rosset (UK), May 2018 - The latest iteration of the EssentialSkillz Fire Safety eLearning Course has been updated with a role play to bring home the importance of taking prompt and correct action when an alarm sounds or fire is discovered. » MORE
Second Call for Papers
Chicago, IL (USA), May 2018 - You only need to submit an abstract to become an mLearn 2018 presenter! The seventeenth World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning (mLearn 2018) will take place in Chicago, 11-14 November 2018. The second call for papers for mLearn 2018 is now available, and abstract-only submissions are being accepted until 10 June 2018! » MORE |
Higher Education
Leuven (NL), May 2018 - With just under one month to go, the organizers of Media & Learning Conference, 14-15 June 2018 in Leuven, the Netherlands, are putting the final touches on the agenda and looking forward to welcoming the many people from 21 countries who have already registered for the video in higher education conference. » MORE |
Learning Now TV
London (UK), May 2018 – Digital change consultant and tech commentator Euan Semple talks to Lisa Minogue-White on Learning Now TV. Also on May’s programme, curation skills, transforming learning at the RNLI, and redefining blended learning. » MORE
Conference Programme
London (UK), May 2018 - The conference programme for the upcoming Learning Technologies Summer Forum, 12 June at London Olympia, has been announced, with the emphasis of learning in practice. » MORE |
Critical Needs
Brentwood, TN (USA), May 2018 - The USA’s top learning and employee engagement experts will reveal best practices for building a superior professional development program that supports business growth and workforce retention. Workforce L&D 2018 takes place at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel in Las Vegas, NV, 15-16 November. » MORE |