Changing Technology
Amsterdam (NL), November 2017 - Zac Woolfitt is a lecturer and researcher at Inholland University in The Netherlands. With a background in tourism, in which he worked in the US and Canada for ten years, he is now based near Amsterdam. Since 2010 he has been conducting research into the effective use of video in higher education. In Session ENG 63, 08 December from 12.00 to 13:00, he will explain the "Sweet Spot of Maximum Technology Impact". » MORE
Professional Development
Washington, DC (USA), November 2017 - Karima Mariama-Arthur is founder and CEO of Wordsmith Rapport™, an international consulting firm specializing in professional development and strategic corporate advisory services. An internationally recognized expert in cutting-edge adult education and complex consulting, she brings more than two decades of comprehensive, blue-chip experience in law, business, and academia to the field of professional development. In Session DAT 08, 07 December from 12.00 to 13.15, she will explain her concept of "Mastering Emotional Intelligence and Boosting Leadership Success". » MORE
Business EDUCA
Istanbul (TR), November 2017 - Önder Erol’s presentation on "Methods and Tools for Motivation, Engagement, and Productivity" will be a feature of the discussion at Business EDUCA’s Session BUS21, 07 December from 14.15 to 15:45. Önder Erol is a committed learning-and-development professional with over ten years’ experience in banking. His focus is innovative and engaging digital learning solutions, and he is responsible for the design, development, implementation, and maintenance of online courses at İşbank (Türkiye İş Bankası), Turkey’s largest bank. » MORE
Speaking Exchange
Rio de Janeiro (BR), November 2017 - Luciana Locks works at the CNA Language School headquarters in Brazil. She holds a BA in Languages and various specialization certificates and is a teacher trainer and manages a group of consultants. One of the projects she is most proud of is the "Speaking Exchange" in which CNA students in Brazil have conversation sessions via the internet with elderly people in the United States and Canada. She will participate in the session about video communities, Session VID 42, 07 December from 16.30 to 17:30. » MORE
Inside and Outside of School
Copenhagen (DK), November 2017 - Simon Gerts Larsen is a teacher in Københavns åbne Gymnasium. He will bring his experience into Session ENG 02, 07 December from 12.15 to 13.00, entitled "Inside and Outside of School: The Impact of Social Media Today". The continually evolving and changing world of social media is an intimate part of the lives of most young learners. Should social media education fall on the shoulders of educators? » MORE
How GDPR Relates to Learners
Horsham (UK), November 2017 - Jen Persson is the Director of defenddigitalme, a civil liberties group founded in 2015 to campaign for safe, fair, and transparent children’s data in education. She is an independent member of England’s Department for Education National Pupil Database Steering Group. Jen will share her knowledge in Session DAT 23, 07 December from 14.15 to 15.45. The highlighted question is, "Are you ready for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018?" » MORE
Empirical Database
Copenhagen (DK), November 2017 - Learning analytics is about collecting, measuring, analysing, and using data related to students’ online behaviour. The focus in conventional learning analytics is often on the "what" - a quantitative measurement of learner performance. Session DAT40, 07 December from 16.30 to 17:30, will make the case for an alternative, supplementary method that focuses on the "how" - a more qualitative measurement of the learning process of the student. Henrik Køhler Simonsen, PhD, MA, MBA, and Senior Consultant at Smartlearning, Denmark will take part in the discussion. » MORE
Melbourne (AU), November 2017 – Dr Kay Lipson is currently the Executive Director at Growth Initiatives for Online Education Services (OES). Founded in 2010, OES is a public-private partnership with SEEK, who have matched over 150,000 students with their ideal course, and Swinburne University of Technology, a pioneer in online education with over 20 years’ experience. In Session IMP 33, 07 December from 16.15 to 17.30, she will debate the question of "Higher Education Strategy: Putting Learners First?" » MORE
Collaborative Learning
Copenhagen (DK), November 2017 - Can uncertainty become a driving force for creativity? How can we use digital media to cultivate and teach curiosity? In Session EMP35, 07 December from 16.30 to 17.30, Martin Bregnhøi from KEA MMD, Denmark, will discuss Pippi Longstocking’s phrase, "I’ve never tried this, so I expect I can do it!" or "Can we teach curiosity"? » MORE