Corporate eLearning

Top Ten eLearning Movers and Shakers

St. Albans (UK), January 2012 - The dawn of a New Year means that, once again - based on nothing more than experience and prejudice - it's time to publish lists of the "Top Ten" most influential people in the corporate eLearning sector, in the world, Europe, and the UK. CHECK.point eLearning is Number 3 on the European List!

These lists are compiled on the basis of a person's perceived current influence on the eLearning industry - as a practitioner, commentator, facilitator, and/or thought leader. Bob Little, the senior partner at the public-relations consultancy Bob Little Press & PR, which has a worldwide reputation for its work in the field of learning technologies, comments, "You probably won't agree with all - or even any - of the judges' decisions, but at least you'll know something about what other people think about the personalities who lead the corporate eLearning world."

Of the 28 names on the three lists (nineteen men and nine women), only two names appear on more than one list: Fabrizio Cardinali and Jane Hart.

The USA continues to have the largest representation on the "World" list, while Germany (with four representatives) is the only country with more than one representative in the "Europe" list. Again, only one British name - this time Jane Hart's rather than Piers Lea's - appears on the Europe list.

Two of the three people who topped the lists this year - Elliott Masie and Donald H. Taylor - have retained their positions since the first list was published in 2010. In the Europe list, for the first time, Richard Straub gives way to his ELIG colleague, Fabrizio Cardinali.

The biggest rise in positioning comes from Jay Cross, who is both long established and well known in the learning-technologies industry but is a new entry at number two in the World list. Others whose "star" has risen this year are Cathy Moore, Tom Kuhlmann, Muyiwa Bamgbose, and Lisa Gualtieri (World list); Fabrizio Cardinali, Christophe Ferrandou, Jane Hart, Armin Hopp, Helge Scherlund, and Elmar Hussmann (Europe list); and Jane Hart, Laura Overton, Steve Rayson, Julie Wedgwood, Clive Shepherd, Martin Baker, and Ben Betts (UK list).

Below the Top Three of each category:

World List

  1. Elliott Masie is head of The MASIE Center, a Saratoga Springs, New York, think-tank focused on how organisations can support learning and knowledge within the workforce. (position last year: 1)
  2. Jay Cross is a writer, commentator, and speaker who was a surprise omission in previous years and is thus a surprise inclusion in this year's list. Many years ago he coined the term -œeLearning-, and he and continues to promote informal learning. (new entry for 2012)
  3. Fabrizio Cardinali is CEO of eXact Learning Solutions' North America and Australia operations, Senior Vice President of the company's Global Business Development, and Chair of the European Learning Industry Group (ELIG). (position last year: 3)

Europe List

  1. Fabrizio Cardinali is Chair of the European Learning Industry Group (ELIG) and Senior Vice President of eXact Learning Solutions' Global Business Development. (position last year: 2)
  2. Richard Straub is the Secretary General of the European Learning Industry Group (ELIG), overseeing ELIG's role as advisor to the EU on all things to do with eLearning. (position last year: 1)
  3. Thea Payome is editor of the Germany-based CHECK.point eLearning ezine and website. (position last year: 3)

UK List

  1. Donald H Taylor is the power behind the success of the Learning Technologies Conference and Chairman of the Institute of Learning and Performance. (position last year: 1)
  2. Jane Hart is founder and CEO of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies. (position last year: 3)
  3. Laura Overton is Managing Director of Towards Maturity, a not-for-profit community-interest company that provides research and online resources to help organisations deliver effective learning interventions at work. (position last year: 4)