From Training to Twitter - How to Link
West Yorkshire (UK), August 2012 - Social media, smartphones, and tablets, the emergence of content curators - these are some of the hot topics that HR and training managers need to consider when evaluating the opportunities for social learning within their organisation. But how can web-based learning platforms meet these challenges?
Webanywhere has produced a free whitepaper that uses real-life case studies to demonstrate how "traditional" learning platforms can link effectively with social websites to create a "pull/push" training model - accelerating learning on the fly, and generating serious revenues.
The concept of social content curation has become a hot topic for HR and workplace-learning professionals in 2012. With web-based content increasingly becoming a commodity, Webanywhere has released a new whitepaper that discusses the benefits of harnessing formal "push" eLearning with content that's pulled from social channels such as blogs, Twitter, LinkedIn, and internal corporate social networks.
Having a "curation destination" - a paid-for website or web page that is the recipient of curated content - is often the essential first step to drive social engagement. The real challenge for many organisations is how to link social websites with their existing training programs - often delivered via an LMS - to maximise subject-matter knowledge and achieve centralised training objectives.
Conor Gilligan, Head of Webanywhere's Workplace Learning Division (EMEA/ NAM) said, "We are building solutions for a number of clients that create an integrated pull/push learning portal. This offers companies, and their customers, a completely automated means of publishing, sharing, and accelerating subject-specific learning."
Topics covered in the whitepaper - which includes real-life case-study examples of the approach - include advice for companies looking to evolve their eLearning proposition including
- the social learning ecosystem and content aggregation
- the emergence of content curation
- creating a curation destination
- linking social channels to the LMS
- evolving the learning platform
- challenges to and incentives for social learning within business organisations.