EUNIS 2006 Rectors Seminar

Paris, January 2006 - "Impact of the Bologna Process on Information Technology in European Universities" is the title of the EUNIS 2006 Rectors Seminar, which will take place March 23rd to 24th in Paris. This seminar is the second of its kind, and will be held together with the European University Association (EUA) and the European Rectors Association.

The Bologna declaration is one of the most important transformations in the organization of European universities in the past few years. Study programmes will be organized in modules, and a common evaluation system (ECTS) is being established. This means:

  • An organization of the studies in semesters and not by year, which is quite new in a number of countries. This is quite a big change in the organisation of curricula.
  • The need to teach the same modules twice a year so that students will not lose a year to acquire the required ECTSs. How will universities find the required staff and classes? How can blended learning help in this task?
  • The possibility for students to take modules from different universities: are universities ready for this competition and how can they broaden their offerings to attract students from abroad? How can distance learning help?
  • The full process will facilitate students' mobility either because they will take courses from a distance or they will move from one university to another. How can universities exchange data to facilitate this mobility? How can students access their data in this context in the different universities where they are registered? How can they be assembled together in a single curriculum?

This seminar is the second of its kind and will be held together with EUA (European University Association), the European Rectors' Association. Time will be allocated for exchange and discussion. It is thus a unique opportunity for exchanges among the people who make policy and take strategic decisions in universities.

It is a non-technical seminar aimed towards high-level executives of European universities. Policy and strategy will be discussed, not technical matters. It is open to Presidents, Rectors and Vice Chancellors only, not to IT managers. It will start at noon March 23rd and finish at noon March 24th giving the possibility to the participants to leave their country for two days only. EUNIS, with the help of its Corporate Members, will pay for the local expense, and the participants will only have to pay their travel expenses.