Best-of-Breed LCMS

Eedo's Strong Presence in the European LCMS Market

London (UK), May 2007 - Eedo Knowledgeware, a provider of innovative software products for real-time learning and knowledge systems, has announced that a recently published report by Elearnity, an independent European learning analyst firm, has recognised Eedo Knowledgeware as an established player in the learning content management (LCM) sector. The study, which focused on the LCM market, also acknowledged Eedo's flagship product, ForceTen, as a best-of-breed learning content management system.

The growing corporate awareness of LCM led Elearnity to initiate an in-depth research project to examine the drivers, solutions, and realities of the sector. They found that the LCM market is still embryonic, but this is expected to change over the next couple of years as companies face the need to realign learning content processes to meet their increasingly challenging business demands.

The study showed that drivers for LCM are largely common across organisations and include costs savings and time to market, flexibility, control and reuse, compliance, and auditability.

The research process included in-depth profiling of corporate case studies, knowledge sharing workshops and group discussions, independent market and vendor analysts, supporting analysis of existing research and whitepapers, and discussions with four LCMS vendors.

"Eedo is an established player in the market with its ForceTen product, which we consider to be a best-of-breed LCMS. It has a good track record and excellent credibility in the corporate and public sector arena", said David Wilson, Elearnity's founder and managing director. "ForceTen provides an intuitive and well-structured environment for eLearning content creation and management and an extensible process framework that supports collaborative development and production workflows, as well as the capability to render content to other media types such as print output or mobile learning."

"The Elearnity study confirms what we're seeing in the market; namely, that the most effective approach to LCMS is to develop coherent strategies that are geared to the needs and structure of a company's business," said John Hudson, CEO, Eedo Knowledgeware. "Our background in the learning sector has been very useful in forming strong partnerships with our customers, who value our learning expertise as well as our comprehensive tools".