Career Opportunity

Ph.D. Positions in Information Technology and eLearning

Jyväskylä (FI), October 2008 - The IT Research Institute (ITRI) of the University of Jyväskylä in Finland is recruiting several researchers for two EU projects in the field of Open Content, Knowledge Management, and/or eLearning. The starting date is immediately, and the duration is 24 months.

The successful candidate will have broad experience in the fields of knowledge management, eLearning, learning object repositories, eLearning standards, and evaluation with a focus on the information systems / information technology perspective. Candidates for the Ph.D. position must have strong motivation to achieve scientific competencies and work in the academic community. Strong communication, project management, and communication skills are also mandatory.

The University of Jyväskylä is the second largest university in Finland measured by the number of Master's degrees conferred. The Faculty of Information Technology currently has a staff of 200, nearly 2000 Master's degree students, and about 200 postgraduate students. The Information Technology Research Institute's (ITRI) main expertise comprises software engineering, organizational aspects of information systems, mobile systems, and educational technology.

JYU performs extensive eLearning research for SMEs and schools and also on standardization on multiple levels: Quality Management/Quality Development in eLearning, as well as Conception, Realization, Standardization, and Evaluation in eLearning. You will be joining a multi-disciplinary team in a creative research environment.

Informal enquiries about the vacancies may be made to Jan Pawlowski.