Call for Papers

Virtual Participation in WMSCI 2009 is Now Possible

Orlando FL, (USA), April 2009 - The thirteenth World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI) 2009 held in Orlando, Florida, USA from 10-13 July, 2009 invites virtual participation. Each regular session will be linked to a corresponding virtual session where all final versions of the articles to be presented will be displayed, and where authors can comment them via electronic forums.

Submissions made for virtual participation will go trough the same reviewing processes of the regular papers (double-blind, non-blind, and participative peer reviewing) and, if accepted (according to the same acceptance policy), they will be included in the proceedings and will be eligible for journal publication if they are, according to their reviewers, among the best ten-twenty percent of those physically and virtually presented at the conference.

Registered authors of virtual participations will have access to all conference program sessions via their respective associated virtual sessions. Their article will be displayed like the regular ones. Virtual authors also have the option of sending, besides the final version of their article in a PDF document, an electronic presentation (PowerPoint, flash, etc. and/or a 15-20 minute video).

Authors of accepted papers who registered for the conference will have access to the reviews made to their submission so they can improve the final version of their papers accordingly. Non-registered authors may not have access to the reviews of their respective submissions.

Awards will be granted to the best paper of those presented at each session. From these sessions' best papers, the best ten-twenty percent of the papers presented at the conference will be selected for publication in Volume 7 of JSCI Journal. Libraries of journal authors' organizations will receive complimentary subscriptions of at least one volume (six issues).

Deadlines for Virtual Participation are:

Extended Abstracts submissions and Invited Virtual Sessions proposals: 06 May 2009

Authors notifications: 01 June 2009

Camera ready, full papers: 22 June 2009