Letter from UK

'Little's Britain': People problems

London (UK), May 2009 - (by Bob Little) Originally funded by the UK's Learning and Skills Council (LSC), Towards Maturity is an e-skills UK project aimed at helping organisations improve the impact of learning technologies at work. Intended to discover how employers are making use of learning technologies, the project currently supports a community of over 1,000 organisations with research , case studies and contributions of from an ever increasing virtual advisory network.

Consequently, the programme has taken on a life of its own, resulting in the formation of an independent community interest company - Towards Maturity CIC - to extend the value of the project to an even wider community of employers and learning providers.

Recently, Towards Maturity published a benchmarking report - Driving Business Benefits - which reveals:

  • Strengthening induction training, improving the quality of learning and developing a better qualified workforce are the main reasons why 64 per cent of organisations plan to increase their learning technologies budgets in 2009. Two years ago, the main reasons for using learning technologies were to improve access to learning and reduce costs.
  • Development tools that have enjoyed the greatest increase since 2007 are podcasting (+ 195%), rapid development tools (+ 43%) and virtual classrooms (+ 23%)
  • 'People factors' - especially reluctance by staff to adopt new technology - are now the greatest barrier to successful implementation of learning technologies (for over 50% of respondents). The next most significant barriers are cost restrictions (47%) and poor IT infrastructure (41%).

The full report can by downloaded from www.towardsmaturity.org and www.elearningnetwork.org.

This report offers some encouraging signs for the learning technologies sector - notably more sophisticated and business goal-orientated reasons for their uptake. However, lack of relevant knowledge and skills combined with a reluctance to adopt new technology seems to be the main reason for holding back progress in this sector. Ah! If only we didn't need people, then eLearning would be simple!

For over 20 years, Bob Little has specialised in writing about, and commentating on, corporate learning - especially elearning - and technology-related subjects. His work has been published in the UK, Continental Europe, the USA and Australia.
You can contact Bob.