Personal Learning

PebblePad Launches iPhone App

Telford (UK), March 2010 - Pebble Learning has launched an iPhone app for its PebblePad online personal learning system. Users can now record their thoughts or upload photos straight from their iPhones to their online personal learning space, wherever they are.

The growth of wireless zones has contributed to the rapid fall in the cost of mobile internet browsing in the past year. The good news for users is that these costs are likely to drop still further under pressure from consumer watchdogs.

Colin Dalziel, Operations Director at Pebble Learning, comments, "The massive increase in the number of applications for the iPhone and Android-based smart phones has been phenomenal, and now the 100,000+ applications include a PebblePad app. We anticipate use will include recording and reflecting upon activities immediately at the point of action, as well as collecting photographic evidence to support research, project work, professional development, and work-based learning."

The items recorded on the iPhone can be sent directly to a blog to allow users to keep an ongoing record of their activity. Any item recorded on the iPhone can also be reused in a number of ways within the online system to present rich portfolios of work for a variety of purposes. These may include peer-review activities, formal assessment, or as supporting material to enhance a job application or career progression.

The new application will be discussed at Pebble Learning's inaugural conference on 08-10 June 2010 in Shifnal, Shropshire, UK.