Follow the Sun

Learning Futures Festival Online 2011

Leicester (UK)/Brisbane (AUS), February 2011 - The Beyond Distance Research Alliance at the University of Leicester is collaborating with the Australian Digital Futures Institute at the University of Southern Queensland to offer a non-stop, two-day global online conference on the future of technology-enhanced learning. Registration is now open for the Conference, to be held 13-15 April 2011, and ICDE members are eligible for a discounted registration rate.

Entitled "Follow the Sun", the Conference intends to do just that by spanning three time zones, as institutions in three countries host a non-stop two-day global conference. With handovers between Leicester, UK, Seattle, USA, and Toowoomba, Australia, "Follow the Sun" will begin in Leicester on Wednesday, 13 April and conclude in Australia 48 hours later.

Delivered on Adobe Connect 8, Moodle, and Second Life, delegates from around the world will have the opportunity to take part in an online festival that aims to be unconstrained by time and space.