Learning and Development

E-Portfolio 2011 Trials Underway

Brisbane (AU), May 2011 - Two trials investigating how e-portfolios support workforce development and lifelong learning are currently underway. A grant of AU$ 18,000 seed funding from the Australian Flexible Learning Framework (Framework) supports the research.

The 2011 E-portfolios Implementation Trials (EITs) look specifically at how e-portfolios

  • increase the efficiency of the learning process by improving the flow, use, re-use, and exchange of information to improve communication and collaboration
  • enhance the learning experience through individual learning plans, personal/career/workforce development planning and/or continuous professional-development requirements.

The 2011 trials are

  • Scaffolding VCAL learners with e-portfolios - Victoria University

    This trial is investigating the features of the "profile" and -œpro-forma- tools within the PebblePad e-portfolio system to see if they can provide a framework for Victoria University's new integrated delivery model for the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL). The aim is for the e-portfolio to help learners beyond the VCAL program, e.g. by creating a digital resume to enhance their employment prospects.

  • E-portfolios for trainers - Great Southern Institute of Technology, Western Australia

    This trial is encouraging learners completing a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment to think about lifelong learning. Learners record their skills and learning using the Mahara e-portfolio system as a part of their induction process. Learners will also use an e-portfolio to demonstrate that their training complies with the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF).

Conducted over six months, the trials will produce resources that enable learners to use their e-portfolio to connect learning experiences and assessment requirements with teachers/trainers, employers, career advisors, mentors, professional associations, job-service agencies, case managers, and industry experts.