Virtual Learning

New Technologies in Education and Research Conference

Cluj-Napoca (RO), September 2011 - Join the sixth International Conference on Virtual Learning, to be held at in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, on 28-29 October, organised by the University of Bucharest and Babeþ-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca in cooperation with SIVECO company.

The International Conference on Virtual Learning (ICVL) has the following objectives:

  • creating a framework for a large-scale introduction of the eLearning approaches in teaching and training activities;
  • assisting the teachers, professors, and trainers in the use of innovative teaching technologies both in formal education and lifelong learning;
  • stimulating the development of eLearning projects and software for education process and systems;
  • promoting and developing scientific research for eLearning, educational software, and virtual reality.

The ICVL Project intends to explore and propose innovations in education in the Knowledge Society. Under the headline "C³VIP - Consistency-Competence-Clarity-Vision-Innovation-Performance", the Conference focuses on "eSkills for the 21st Century".

The ICVL was structured to provide a vision of European eLearning and eTraining policies, to take notice of the situation existing today in the international community, and to work towards developing a forward-looking approach in virtual learning from the viewpoint of modelling methods and methodological aspects, information technologies, and software solutions.

Participation is invited from researches, teachers, trainers, educational authorities, learners, practitioners, employers, trade unions, as well as private-sector actors and members of the IT industry.