
Questionmark Perception Adds Analytics

Norwalk, CT (USA), June 2013 - Questionmark has added new tools to Questionmark® Perception® 5.4 for analyzing and reporting on assessments. The system includes the ability to administer observational assessments to rate participants' performance of everyday tasks.

Questionmark Analytics enables Perception users to analyze and report on assessment results saved in a results warehouse to uncover the hidden meaning of assessment results and share actionable data with stakeholders. In addition to browser and print distribution, reports can be published to PDF and/or CSV files.

The thirteen reports in Questionmark Analytics plot survey frequency, graph assessment results over time, break down assessments results by a demographic variable, record how frequently a given set of question types is used, keep track of question types, monitor question status, and relate scores to the time spent completing assessments.

There are also four course evaluation reports that combine with browser-based course evaluation authoring tools in Questionmark Live to provide a complete solution for rapid creation, distribution, and reporting on course evaluations.

During observational assessments, observers watch participants perform certain tasks or processes and answer questions about the participants' performance. They then rate performance according to pre-determined criteria.

A manager, trainer, instructor, or other individual assigned to be an observer can log in to Questionmark Perception from a computer or mobile device, choose an assessment, and select the participant to be observed and rated. The observers' responses are automatically saved to a central repository for instant scoring and streamlined reporting.