International Growth

IMC Opens Office in San Francisco

Saarbruecken (GER), July 2013 - With subsidiaries in Graz, London, Melbourne, Sibiu, and Zurich, IMC has mainly been present in Europe and Asia. Now, however, due to the global spread of the company's learning solutions, a higher demand for its service and support activities has risen in North and South America.

"With customers in Canada, on the US East and West Coasts, in Mexico, as well as in Central and South America, we’ve reached the critical mass necessary for a new international location", says Dr Wolfgang Kraemer, CEO of IMC AG, explaining IMCs internationalization strategy. "Our local service infrastructure combined with the highly valued ‘German engineering competence’, which stands for solid and process-oriented software solutions around the world, has enhanced our customer retention and facilitated our entry into new markets," adds Kraemer.

The office, with its highly experienced international team, will open toward the end of September 2013.