ELearning Portal to Train Lawyers

Brighton, July 2005 - Futuremedia plc has introduced the Prosecution College, an innovative eLearning portal designed to educate new lawyers in the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), the government department that serves as the principal prosecuting authority for criminal offenses in England and Wales.

The launch of the portal follows the Learning and Development Department of the CPS awarding Futuremedia a two-year contract in February to develop customized eLearning courses.

Commencing June 20th, a phased introduction of various programs into the eLearning curriculum of the Prosecution College has begun. These include Equality and Diversity, No Witness No Justice, Proceeds of Crime, Speaking Up For Justice, Advocacy Development, and Caseworker Induction. Additional programs are to follow.

With a staff of 7,500, including 2,500 lawyers, the CPS deals with more than 1.3 million cases annually. The Service's Shelagh O'Leary said: -œWe are committed to providing our members of staff with the best tools possible to perform their valuable public service. Following the success of the Lawyers Induction modules, we are now in a position to increase the availability of CPS-specific eLearning for our staff.-