10:1 Reduction in Production Costs

Milton Keynes, March 2006 - After a worldwide LCMS evaluation at the start of 2005, Giunti Labs' learn eXact LCMS platform was selected as the Learning Content Management solution for the R-ITI Project (Radiology - Integrated Training Initiative), a collaborative initiative between the Royal College of Radiologists, the Department of Health, and the NHS (UK National Health Service). R-ITI was established to create innovative ways to improve the training of junior radiologists in the UK health system.

The R-ITI project materials developed using learn eXact will support increased numbers of trained radiologists without putting additional strain on the current training infrastructure. Since adopting learn eXact over the last year, the R-ITI project has moved a significant distance towards its target of reducing radiology-based diagnosis time to fourteen weeks from the average two years currently experienced by patients entering the National Health Service.

To date, R-ITI content engineers have produced more than 1,000 hours of elearning content in collaboration with over 350 subject matter experts, using learn eXact advanced content authoring and distributed workflow and peer reviewing functionality. They have achieved a 10:1 reduction in content production costs when compared to the NHS' -œtraditional- outsourcing models. During next project phase, learn eXact LCMS will be installed in three eLearning Content Production centers in Leeds, Plymouth, and Norwich to serve the full UK NHS system across the NHSnet broadband backbone.

The success of the new development approach and learn eXact has been recognised in another 65 professional colleges in the UK. Specific interest in using the R-ITI approach and platform has come from anaesthetists, ultrasound experts, radiographers, surgeons and oncologists. In addition, the platform and development environment is supporting the development of national radiology guidelines as part of a National Libraries for Health initiative and is also providing a sub-set of content to support Foundation Year (post medical school graduation) learning.