Interactivity Builder

New Release 4.5 Makes Raptivity More Flexible

Redmond, WA (USA), August 2007 - Harbinger Knowledge Products has announced a major update of Raptivity - release 4.5. The significant highlights are the increased ease and flexibility of deployment in a multi-user corporate environment and more convenient integration with other tools. This release also comes with a Spell Checker add-on and a learning interaction guide.

"Raptivity has bagged Platinum and Gold awards for highest user satisfaction. To continue providing satisfaction and true value for money to our users, we have come up with this release, which is focused on making the product deployment easier and more hassle-free in the corporate user environment," said Vikas Joshi, Chairman and Managing Director, Harbinger Group.

In corporate environments, network security is typically high, and in such cases, most of the product deployments need the permission from IT to allow exceptions to IT policies. Raptivity 4.5, however, makes the deployment very easy and hassle-free. With the new mechanism, users can do the product installation and start using Raptivity in minutes while adhering to the IT security policies.

Another new addition to this release is the Spell Checker add-on, which users can optionally install and use to check for spelling errors while creating the interaction. In addition to this, Raptivity now provides a learning interaction guide for all 200+ learning interactions.

The new Raptivity 4.5 also indicates an optimal size of the interactions and therefore provides easier integration with various tools. Additionally, this release provides more seamless integration with the Windows Vista© operating system. Unlike other products, which frequently fail to work on Windows Vista with minimum user-level access, Raptivity works smoothly with Vista.

"With users in over 33 countries and channel partners growing in leaps and bounds, our focus is to provide ease of use to our users in every way without compromising quality. The feedback and suggestions from Raptivity users worldwide have contributed in great way towards this release. This release has even made all the 200+ interactions 100% language customizable making it more intuitive for our non-English learners," added Seema Chaudhary, Director, Business Development.