Measure, Monitor, Decide

New Product from Eedo Knowledgeware

Nashua, NH (CA), November 2007 - Proving the strategic value of learning and knowledge programs just got easier with the latest product from Eedo Knowledgeware. Eedo DashboardTM enables chief learning officers and learning and HR managers to effectively monitor, measure, and report on key indicators such as change, readiness, and productivity and to show their impact on performance and corporate outcomes. With this information, users can also adjust programs in a timely manner to ensure their strategies meet objectives.

Until now, users had no easy way to get quantifiable data about their programs. Eedo Dashboard is fully integrated with Eedo's learning content management system (LCMS), ForceTenTM. Eedo Dashboard aggregates data from ForceTen and other human resource and business systems, compares it to established objectives, and presents the results in a graphical format. Using the information, learning managers can improve how they transfer knowledge across an organization or report on its success, aligning knowledge transfer programs with business strategy.

"Measurement of corporate learning is one of HR's top challenges", said Josh Bersin, President of Bersin & Associates, a research and advisory firm specializing in enterprise learning and talent management. "Solutions such as the EEDO Dashboard help organizations implement pragmatic, actionable measurement programs to evaluate and improve their learning investments."

Eedo Dashboard helps learning managers to:

  • Define strategic goals and learning objectives using a balanced scorecard framework;
  • Align objectives to progress indicators, then collect, aggregate, and report progress against defined targets;
  • Automate the collection of key measurement data from various sources into a single source of meaningful indicators;
  • Show actual and projected progress towards goals;
  • Determine statistical correlations between learning and business measures; and
  • Identify work processes that require improvements to meet expected targets.

"Eedo Dashboard is an easy-to-use tool to measure what learning organizations are trying to manage - change, product readiness, productivity, etc.", said John Hudson, Eedo's President and CEO. "The simple-to-read but meaningful graphs show how learning programs are impacting the business, proving their worth as investments, not costs."

Eedo Dashboard is available immediately and is licensed according to the number of users and type of use.