On the Go

GoodPractice Launches Free iPhone App for Managers

Edinburgh (UK), April 2011 - GoodPractice, a UK provider of online resources for leaders and managers, has launched a free iPhone app for managers. The new "Top Tips for Managers" iPhone app has been developed in response to a growing market demand for more technology-based learning solutions. The app is initially available to iPhone users, with Android and Blackberry versions a possibility in future.

The Top Tips for Managers app gives managers instant mobile access to over 100 top tip articles to help them at work. The app is designed in three easy-to-use sections to help boost management effectiveness, personal performance, and communication skills.

The app covers core management topics, including change management, decision making, performance management, organisational skills, and troubleshooting for managers.

Top Tips for Managers has been developed specifically to fit the iPhone format. The app is designed with ease of use in mind, allowing managers to switch easily between topics, mark favourite articles, and email tips to their team members and colleagues. Content is written in plain English, and page layout is designed to ensure maximum readability.

As well as offering Top Tips for Managers via the App Store, organisations are able to commission a paid-for customised or bespoke version of the app for their own specific use. This gives companies the opportunity to integrate their own material into the app, to give it their own corporate look and feel, or to commission an app to meet a particular organisational need.

GoodPractice's Chief Executive Peter Casebow says, "GoodPractice is all about helping managers and leaders perform better. We've always prided ourselves on our great content. We see the mobile delivery of Top Tips for Managers as a key way of bringing that content to the wider world. It will give managers and leaders the help and ideas they need when they need them."