Virtual College Creates Mental-Health-Support Package
Ilkley (UK), May 2020 - Virtual College has created a resource package to support people’s mental health and wellbeing and help at a time in which we are all impacted by the uncertainty, isolation, and solitude that the coronavirus pandemic has brought upon us.
Pulling together a range of resources, such as online courses, articles, downloadable resources, and book recommendations, Virtual College has created a comprehensive, thorough package that will help those struggling with the sudden isolation and uncertainty they find themselves in, and bring them support, reassurance, and comfort.
With 31 resources in total, it includes a guide to mental health, an activity tracker to help you bring structure to your day, a sleep guide, as well as articles about the importance of reflection and keeping in touch with your thoughts. Also included are activities to keep people active and distracted, such as online jigsaws, exercises, and meditation.
The free resources will be most helpful to those who suddenly find themselves working at home or in isolation, as well as businesses that are trying to put plans in place to support their employees’ mental health and wellbeing - and are looking for resources to pass on to them.
"The stress, uncertainty, and isolation of the current times will have a huge impact on people’s mental health, and we cannot lose sight of this. We hope our resource pack will bring help and support to those who need it", said Simon Falconer, Chief Marketing Officer at Virtual College.