Almost Half of UK Workers Don't Believe Their Employers Meet Their Development Needs
London (UK), September 2023 - New research from Cornerstone reveals almost half of UK workers don't believe their employers are meeting their development needs. On top of employee concerns, the 2023 Talent Health Index also revealed that UK employer confidence in skills development is the lowest in Europe.
» MOREthirst LXP Launches in Partnership with Anders Pink
Manchester (UK), January 2022 - A brand-new learning experience platform has been launched by bespoke learning platform creators BuildEmpire. Partnering with leading content curators is Anders Pink, who will curate content from thousands of sources, while thirst targets the content specifically to each user's profile.
» MOREVR Usage and Consumer Attitudes
Boston, MA (USA), July 2019 - ARtillery Intelligence's latest report examines original consumer survey data: How do consumers feel about VR? Who's using it? What devices and apps do they prefer? And what do they want to see next? Perhaps more important, what are non-users' reasons for disinterest? And how can VR software developers and hardware players optimize product strategies accordingly?
» MOREWhat’s Really Happening in HR Today?
Cirencester (UK), November 2018 - Fosway Group, a major European HR industry analyst, and UNLEASH have released the results of new joint research into the realities of HR across the corporate landscape of Europe. With input from 500+ senior HR leaders from predominantly enterprise organisations across Europe, the research highlights the changing face of HR today and looks ahead to the landscape of tomorrow. It explores strategic HR challenges, future HR skills and investment, plus Artificial Intelligence (AI), analytics, and the growing role of automation.
metapeople laden zum Digital Day
Duisburg, Juni 2018 - Wie gestalten die Pioniere der Branche mit Big Data und Künstlicher Intelligenz die Zukunft des Digitalmarketings? Um diese und weitere Fragen zu diskutieren, lädt metapeople, Teil der internationalen Agenturgruppe Artefact, am Vortag zur diesjährigen dmexco zum Digital Day. Die Fachkonferenz zu aktuellen Themen aus der Kommunikationsbranche findet am 11. September 2018 in der Kölner Wolkenburg statt und steht unter dem Motto "The Art of Data".
High-Impact Online Learning Programmes for Corporates
London (UK), October 2017 - Financial Times | IE Business School Corporate Learning Alliance has launched a series of online short-course programmes. Custom designed to each client company’s requirements, and intended for groups of 50 or more executives, the programmes are known as High-Impact Online Programmes (HiOPs), and they adopt the latest concepts and tools to ensure academic rigour.
Big Data: Neuer Onlinekurs führt in Datenanalyse ein
Potsdam, Oktober 2017 - Wie Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft aus dem gewaltig anschwellenden Meer an Daten das wertvolle Wissen herausfischen können, welches durch die Analyse von interessanten Zusammenhängen sowie durch Verknüpfung von Mustern in den Daten erkennbar wird, zeigt ein neuer Onlinekurs des Hasso-Plattner-Instituts (HPI). Der kostenlose und für jeden frei zugängliche Kurs in deutscher Sprache führt vom 6. November an in das Thema "Big Data Analytics" ein.
» MEHRTop Learning Technology Implementation Award
London (UK), January 2017 - Moody's Analytics and NetDimensions have won the Gold award for Best Enterprise Learning Platform Implementation in the 2016 Learning Technologies Awards. The award recognises the integration of Moody's Analytics eLearning programs into the NetDimensions Talent Suite and the implementation of the combined solution at Moody's Analytics clients.