Issues for L&D and HR in the Age of Blockchain
Brighton (UK), September 2018 - Use of, and interest, in blockchain as an alternative trust mechanism is on the increase in HR and L&D, although the technology has trust issues of its own, according to an article in Lumesse Learning's relaunched Curve magazine.
» MOREEngage in Learning GDPR Programme Breaks Customer Records
Gloucester (UK), July 2018 - Some 300 UK-based organisations bought - and tens of thousands of individual learners throughout the EU completed – Engage in Learning’s GDPR online learning materials in the run-up to this regulation coming into force on 25 May.
Skillcast Launches New Compliance Tools
London (UK), May 2018 - As businesses begin to come to terms with the launch of the GDPR, their compliance journey is only beginning. The culture change required to protect personal data and respect individual rights demands more time and effort. To help businesses on this compliance journey, Skillcast has launched two new tools to conduct internal compliance audits and to provide just-in-time support to their employees.
» MOREUK Universities Respond to the GDPR Challenge
London (UK), May 2018 - GDPR is the biggest change in data protection legislation for twenty years, coming into effect on 25 May 2018. Despite this, analyst firm Gartner showed that around half of those affected by the legislation - whether in the EU or outside - will not be in full compliance when the regulations take effect. Schools, colleges, and universities across the UK have responded to the GDPR challenge by designing their own sector-specific GDPR for Higher Education training course.
GDPR Digital Training Course Library
London (UK), April 2018 - Staff training is essential for demonstrating compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), with which all businesses need to comply beginning 25 May 2018. The GDPR is a complex regulation. In addition to firm-wide awareness raising, employees will need in-depth training on consent, international transfers, individual rights, and more. Skillcast has launched the first digital training course library covering these topics to support businesses in GDPR compliance.
Virtual College to Advise on Effective Learning Programmes
Ilkley (UK), April 2018 - Award-winning online training provider Virtual College will be exhibiting at HR in Housing 2018, providing HR professionals with advice and guidance on the most effective learning programmes to facilitate change and aid cost savings.
Webinar zu den Themen "DSGVO" und "GDPR"
München, April 2018 - In einem Webinar am 17. April 2018, von 11 bis 11:30 Uhr werden Christian Förg, General Manager, EMEA bei Saba Software und Klaus-Christian Falkner, ein spezialisierter Rechtanwalt, einige Aspekte diskutieren, die sich für HR aus dem neuen Datenschutzrecht ergeben. Klaus-Christian Falkner gehört laut Handelsblatt und dem US-Verlag Best Lawyers seit 2009 zu den Top-Wirtschaftsanwälten im Bereich "Information Technology" und betreut zudem Unternehmen als externer Datenschutzbeauftragter.
» MEHREssentialSkillz Launching CPD Accredited Training Pack
Rossett (UK), March 2018 - Leading provider of eLearning, EssentialSkillz, has successfully achieved certification for their Business Protection pack of sixteen eLearning Courses from The CPD Accreditation Service.
» MORECornerstone OnDemand startet GDPR-Ready-Initiative
Düsseldorf, Januar 2018 – Cornerstone OnDemand, weltweiter Anbieter Cloud-basierter Software für Learning und Human Capital Management, hat nun seine Initiative "GDPR-Ready" gestartet, um Kunden bei der Einhaltung der Bestimmungen der neuen Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) zu unterstützen und deren Nutzung von Daten zu optimieren.
» MEHRPersonal Data Security and Privacy in Education Technologies
Horsham (UK), November 2017 - Jen Persson is the Director of defenddigitalme, a civil liberties group founded in 2015 to campaign for safe, fair, and transparent children’s data in education. She is an independent member of England’s Department for Education National Pupil Database Steering Group. Jen will share her knowledge in Session DAT 23, 07 December from 14.15 to 15.45. The highlighted question is, "Are you ready for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018?"