Demand-Led Learning at the University Level
Breda (NL), November 2018 – The session in the Learning Café on Thursday, 06 December from 12.15 to 13.15 bears the title "Student in the Lead: Technologies for Demand-driven Education". Rick Bastiaanssen from the Avans University of Applied Sciences will share his experience as an intermediary among businesses, research and education. Combining his passions to help companies work on business cases and challenges and the personal development of youngsters, he helps companies find collaboration opportunities with education and research.
Education, Training and Africa's Growing Confidence
Berlin (GER), October 2018 - International experts at this year's eLearning Africa conference, which recently took place in Kigali, Rwanda, were upbeat about the long-term prospects for African economies. The reason, they say, is that there is a new mood of "confidence" and a growing understanding among African political leaders and employers of the vital importance of investment in education and training.
» MORENomad Foods Europe Accredited by the LPI
London (UK), August 2017 - The Learning and Performance Institute (LPI) has granted Learning Department accreditation to Nomad Foods Europe for its demonstrated commitment to excellence. The LPI is a leading accreditation and membership body for the workplace-learning sector.