Learning Style
Beyond the Pattern 1 Diploma / 1 Profession / 1 Career
Paris (F), January 2018 - (By Alexandre Pachulski, Chief Product Officer & Co-Founder Talentsoft) The digital revolution will eliminate 50% of today’s jobs over the next 10 years. Who would have thought just a few years ago that we would be recruiting growth hackers, data scientists and full stack developers! Artificial intelligence is slowly transforming the world we live in and the way we work. So, how do we face robots and coding experts? We train, train, and train some more.
The Critical Importance of Microlearning in L&D Strategies
London (UK), August 2017 - Fuse Universal, a transformer of learning in business with expertise in learning platforms, learning content, and skill-set transformation, has published insights into how L&D leaders can adopt and embrace microlearning as part of their learning-and-performance strategy.