Kirkpatrick model
Kineo Guide Outlines Seven Smart Data Approaches for Learning
London (UK), June 2022 - Are you wondering what data you should be collecting, how it will inform design decisions, and how it can help prove learning impact? In a new eBook, Kineo proposes seven approaches to learning analytics. The irony of data being almost immeasurable when it comes to proving the impact of your L&D is not something that's lost on Kineo. The secret to getting the most out of your data is being able to prove and measure what value has been added.
Evaluating eLearning to Demonstrate ROI
Brighton (UK), March 2019 - Evaluating eLearning isn’t complicated or scary, and it doesn’t require long processes like the Kirkpatrick model. There are many easier and more modern ways to measure success and show the return on investment of your online learning strategy to business leaders.