The 21st-Century Games Revolution
Milan (I) / Berlin (GER), October 2016 - "The 21st-Century Games Revolution" is the title of the interactive workshop about games for health being organized and held by serious-games company "imaginary" during the sixth EAI International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare. The conference is entitled "Transforming Healthcare through Innovations in Mobile and Wireless Technologies" and will take place in Milan, 14-16 November 2016.
» MOREDr. Piet van der Keylen startet bei Spirit Link Medical
Erlangen, Juli 2016 - Spirit Link Medical freut sich über noch mehr medizinische Kompetenz: Dr. Piet van der Keylen (33) verstärkt als Medical Editor das Team der Healthcare-Agentur mit digitalem Schwerpunkt. Der promovierte Molekularmediziner war zuvor als Dozent und in der Forschung an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg tätig.
Free eLearning to Support Cancer Care in the Community
Plymouth (UK), March 2016 - A free eLearning programme is being launched to help health and social care workers broaden their knowledge of cancer care in the community. The Royal Marsden School, which has a national and international reputation for excellence in cancer education, has commissioned eLearning provider Sponge UK to create the new healthcare training.