COVID-19 Support Pack Viewed 90,000 Times
London (UK), April 2020 - With so many people around the world working from home for the first time due to the spread of coronavirus, learning solutions specialist Emerald Works has launched a free COVID-19 Support Pack, which includes a suite of online resources. The pack has proved an immediate success, with more than 90,000 views within days of its launch.
Update Infection Control Course with Coronavirus Guidance
London (UK), February 2020 - The UK’s Department of Health has described the coronavirus as a "serious and imminent threat" to public health. Engage in Learning appreciate that there may be some organisations which are unsure how best to protect their employees and the wider community. With this in mind, the RoSPA accredited infection control course (which covers general good practice) has been updated with a short section covering coronavirus and the published guidelines and information available so far.