International eLearning Awards - Academic Division
New York, NY (USA), June 2017 – Submissions for the 2017 International E-Learning Awards - Academic Division, presented by the International eLearning Association (IELA), are now open! The entry submission page is posted on the IELA site; the deadline for submission is 10 June 2017.
» MOREThe IELA Announces a Partner Opportunity
New York, NY (USA), May 2017 - The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Publications Board is seeking nominations for an editor-in-chief (EiC) or co-editors-in-chief for eLearn Magazine, ACM’s web-only publication serving the field of online education and training. ACM is the premier organization in the computing sciences and has representation in a variety of computing areas. eLearn Magazine, an exclusively online publication, represents the intersection of research and practice in the eLearning area.
» MOREIELA: The 2017 International eLearning Awards
New York, NY (USA), February 2017 - Submissions for the 2017 International eLearning Awards - Business Division, presented by the International E-Learning Association (IELA), are now open! The Entry Submission Page is posted on the IELA site, and the deadline for submission is 01 March 2017. Submissions for the Academic categories will be accepted beginning in March 2017, with a deadline of 10 June 2017.
» MOREThe 2016 International eLearning Awards
New York, NY (USA), April 2016 – Submissions for the 2016 International eLearning Awards - Academic Division, presented by the International eLearning Association (IELA), are now open! The deadline for submission is 10 June 2016.