ICELW 2020
"Mobilizing Talent after Disruption"
New York, NY (USA), May 2020 - Our experiences over the past few months have had a big impact on many of us. In some cases, this has changed how we think about the future of learning and development and talent management. How is this impacting you and your organization? What skills have helped you? What skills is your team developing? What will be the priorities going forward?
» MOREICELW 2020 Goes Online!
New York, NY (USA), April 2020 - Due to the current global health crisis, ICELW 2020, the thirteenth International Conference on eLearning in the Workplace (originally planned as an in-person event), will take place online. Connect with us online, 10-12 June 2020, as the organizers will bring together researchers and practitioners from around the world to present their latest ideas and best practices for online learning.