UK Sepsis Trust
The Sepsis Trust Can Save More Lives
Glasgow (SCT), July 2016 - The UK Sepsis Trust (UKST) is committed to changing the way the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) deals with sepsis, as well as to increasing public awareness and supporting those affected by sepsis. Create eLearning’s mobile-friendly eLearning portal is helping The UK Sepsis Trust to achieve its aim of saving at least 13,500 lives in the UK every year.
» MORESepsis eLearning Materials Showcased to Britain’s Legislators
Glasgow (SCT), May 2016 - Create eLearning, a mobile-friendly eLearning-portal producer, has created eLearning materials - including a "Sepsis Savvy" course - for The UK Sepsis Trust. The UK Sepsis Trust, which also uses the Create eLearning learning-management system to manage and monitor its courses, is making these eLearning materials available to help educate healthcare professionals, as well as members of the public.