Enhancing the OEB Experience and EdTech's Future
Stockholm (S), November 2022 - The OEB Conference will host an illustrious range of keynote speakers, giving you expert insights in developments of learning technology. Among these keynotes is Pär Lager, a lecturer at Swedish Defence University, author of "Upskill and Reskill" and a key player in the world of higher education. Discover more about Pär's work and EdTech insights in this exclusive interview.
Good afternoon, Pär, it’s nice to meet you. Thank you for meeting with me today. To start off, tell us a bit about yourself, your career and your history with OEB.
Pär Lager: In my previous position, I was running a vocational, educational group at a university in Scandinavia, which had facilities in eastern Africa and over 50,00 students in total. It was very important for me to keep track of everything that was going on in the industry, so I attended as many conferences as I could at least once. While I was in the cities, I met leading universities and schools, also leading organisations that were highly innovative in learning.
That’s when I discovered OEB. I was first there in 2015, it was a fantastic experience – I loved the focus on innovation and the lifelong learning aspect. I met an amazing group of people, and I sent other colleagues to OEB and recommended other organisations to OEB too. What I like about OEB is a lot of practitioners share their best cases. For example, Volvo talked about how they were building a new factory in China, and how they educated their learners for this with real examples and ground-breaking knowledge delivered.