Corporate Rewards

Incentivised eLearning Can Increase Long-Term Engagement

Warwickshire (UK), July 2018 - A recent report by the firm Corporate Rewards looks at the benefits of incentivised eLearning, which is a form of online learning for businesses, in which staff can receive rewards when they complete different levels of training. Providing eLearning programmes to upskill business employees is one of the areas in which Corporate Rewards specialises.

Titled "How incentivised learning can benefit your business", the company's report looks at the outcomes of implementing incentivised eLearning strategies. It gathers statistics about the benefits and how this approach can improve engagement and motivation. It also looks at key ways to engage an audience with incentivised eLearning, such as by using microlearning techniques and gamification, as well as when to use this form of training and how to implement it.

Dan Kelly, Sales and Marketing Director for Corporate Rewards, said, "Incentivised eLearning is a key way to train and upskill staff in many businesses today, which is what we want our report to show.

"Research shows that incentivised eLearning can bring significant increases in staff engagement and motivation. By utilising online technology and rewarding successful input and performance, you can encourage long-term learning rather than a one-off boost.

"Also, it doesn't just save you time and money compared with traditional forms of education. You can deploy information quicker and be more personalised by utilising adaptable and customisable content that's relevant to the user."

One of the key areas looked at in the report includes the benefits of gamification in eLearning, such as maximising engagement and encouraging a friendly sense of competition.

Key statistics in the report also reflect the importance of using gamification in eLearning programmes. This includes that 75% of participants would be more engaged if learning included gaming dynamics - research taken from global learning solutions provider PulseLearning.

Kelly said, "You can maximise engagement by applying an entertaining gaming mechanic concept to the educational content. Presenting various tiers of fun tests and challenges, with rewards for successful accomplishments, will not only motivate users to change behaviour. It will encourage a friendly sense of competition amongst users."

Other benefits of incentivised eLearning included in the report are enhanced productivity, changed behaviour, improved customer service, and stronger sales performance.

Corporate Rewards has said the company would now like to explore incentivised eLearning further and how the increased engagement it provides can really benefit different businesses.