Bite-sized Learning

Aurion Learning Launches 2 Day Rapid eLearning Training

Belfast (IE), June 2011 - Aurion Learning has launched a new rapid eLearning training course. This intense two-day training course is specifically designed for in-house trainers / subject-matter experts who want to design and build their own rapid eLearning programmes. Dr. Maureen Murphy, Managing Director of Aurion Learning talks about the course in more detail.

First of all - what is rapid eLearning?

Dr. Maureen Murphy:
Rapid eLearning programmes are characterised as having a shorter development time and lower cost than traditional eLearning. Essentially you could have a rapid eLearning course up and running within a couple of weeks.

Rapid eLearning is also more suited for short courses or bite-sized learning. It should focus on one or two specific topics and be limited to a maximum of thirty minutes of learning.

Why have you designed this training course in rapid eLearning?

Dr. Maureen Murphy:
We've designed this course in response to high demand from our clients who are increasingly looking to build internal or in-house skills and capabilities in eLearning.

In particular, we've seen a high demand for training in instructional design, writing for eLearning, and how to use authoring tools to create eLearning programmes.

What can learners expect from this course?

Dr. Maureen Murphy: During this intense two-day course, we'll work closely with you to give you a thorough knowledge and understanding of online-learning theories and strategies. We'll also show you how to use best-practice instructional-design techniques to develop effective learning objectives and curriculum plans. Finally, we'll teach you how to use a best-of-breed authoring tool to design and build engaging eLearning modules.

What are the benefits?

Dr. Maureen Murphy: After completing this rapid eLearning training course, you'll be able to create your own highly effective and engaging online learning modules that incorporate

  • learning objectives
  • best-practice instructional-design techniques
  • practical activities, interactions, and learning assets that engage learners and facilitate learning
  • assessments to test the learning outcomes against agreed learning objectives.

Can anyone do the course? Who is this course most suitable for?

Dr. Maureen Murphy: This course is designed for in-house trainers, learning and development professionals, and subject-matter experts from any industry who want to learn how to develop their own eLearning in-house. To maximise effectiveness we recommend that you have

  • at least twelve months' experience of delivering training in a work environment
  • expertise in the area you are proposing to teach
  • experience in using Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Finally, for anyone interesting in taking this rapid eLearning training, what do they need to do?

Dr. Maureen Murphy: For more information on our Rapid eLearning programme, log on to