Cloud Infrastructure

Training for Moving to a Cloud-Based IaaS Model

Schaumburg, IL (USA), April 2012 - TrainSignal have announced the release of their VMware vCloud Director Essentials Training course. This course teaches administrators of vSphere environments how to use VMware vCD to provide IT resources on-demand.

Using vCloud Director, administrators can deploy custom-built services "as a service" in order to provide a consistent user experience between private and public clouds. Managing and monitoring resources under this IaaS model opens up the opportunity for cost efficiency and business agility.

The training teaches the concepts behind cloud infrastructures and vCD basics for creating a vCloud Director lab. This environment can be used for testing and/or training, utilizing vApps and the vCloud API, and as proof of concept for implementing vCD with a vSphere Enterprise Plus environment.

The lesson outline includes

  • vCloud director resources and working with vSphere
  • creating self-service catalogs and vApps
  • vCD installation, setup, architecture and components
  • IaaS, SaaS, PaaS
  • private, public, and hybrid cloud, and evolution of the data center

vCloud Director Essentials also features a guest instructor, vExpert Jake Robinson of Datacenter provider Bluelock. This lesson provides insight as to how vCloud Director is used in a real-world client setting and demonstrates how distributing IT resources through VMware cloud computing services fosters customization.

The lab environment used in the course includes two Dell T610 servers and an Iomega IX-200D NAS, though a virtual vSphere lab running inside VMware Workstation is sufficient for viewers interacting with the course.

David Davis authored this course primarily for administrators making the transition from using Lab Manager, and moving to a cloud-based, IaaS model for consolidating IT internally. The vCloud Director course contains fourteen lessons in over five hours of video instruction.

Students will receive one DVD of video lessons and one DVD of additional content and can view all materials online after signing up for the course, ensuring instant access. TrainSignal backs each and every course with their exclusive ninety-day Total Experience Guarantee.