On-demand services for CLIX and LECTURNITY
Birmingham/London, January 2007 - When companies implement a new learning management system, they often start pilots based on an ASP model to carefully examine the use and possibilities offered by the selected solution. But on-demand services are not only a good solution for pilot stages: they can also provide high flexibility and optimal cost transparency for a project in operation.
Now, IMC not only offers on-demand services for its learning management system CLIX, but also for the rapid authoring tool LECTURNITY.
Especially for single business units, an on-demand solution is often the best way to realise a better "time2competency" programme. Instead of setting up a long-term decision-making process within the company, business unit managers can "rent" a learning environment and do not need to manage things like IT hosting, software support, or release migration. Thus, they are able to focus on what really drives the business: the workforce's competence and the challenge to improve it every day.
"On-demand" doesn't mean getting just a technical ASP solution. IMC helps manage the learning environment itself by offering services such as planning and realisation of content structures, developing and implementing a content strategy, selecting and supplying learning content as well as providing editorial management of the platform.
"On-demand services are an important trend in the eLearning market. In the last two years, the demand for ASP solutions and services has been the fastest growing business sector at IMC" says Gareth Walters, sales manager at IMC (UK) Learning Ltd.
The success of the ASP model has convinced IMC to offer the on-demand solution not only for CLIX but also for LECTURNITY. Recently, therefore, IMC decided to introduce a time-based pricing model for LECTURNITY.