Attract Attention

The Top Five Rules of Social Media Etiquette

New York, NY (USA), September 2014 - Social media are quickly becoming a direct means of driving company revenue, but the ways that brands can earn attention authentically on these platforms is still largely misunderstood. Even as social media evolve as a marketing tool, the fact remains that their primary purpose is for sharing information that educates, inspires, entertains, and provides context for meaningful dialogue.

The following five rules of social- media etiquette will help you attract and build relationships with the followers who mean the most to your business.

  1. Focus the majority of your posts on genuine engagement with customers by replying to posts or tweets, reposting or retweeting, and answering questions.
  2. Do not use automated services for replies or direct messages. These limit engagement with customers and are viewed as spam.
  3. Be authentic to your brand personality while maintaining professionalism and common courtesy.
  4. Share quality information that your audience cares about and will build your credibility.
  5. Be dependable to your followers by maintaining a consistent presence.

In a recent article, Kemari Howell, marketing coordinator for, has provided additional discussion about how brands can engage authentically on social media. It appears on the PR Toolkit, a newswire for small businesses.