UK eLearning Community Benefits from Benchmark
London (UK), July 2012 - Members of the UK's largest eLearning community, the eLearning Network, are benefiting from the annual Towards Maturity learning benchmark study. Now it is urging other organisations to participate as part of its ongoing "Campaign for Effective eLearning".
As part of its work with the learning and development community, the eLearning Network (eLN) launched its campaign at the start of 2012. "The campaign works to support technology-led learning in all its forms", explains Rob Hubbard, eLN Chairman. "Members share knowledge and best practices with the aim of helping everyone create and commission better eLearning content, systems, and apps. We are encouraging our members to get involved with the Benchmark."
He continues, "We're delighted to support the Towards Maturity Benchmark study as part of our campaign. We know our members have gained great insights by taking part in the Benchmark over the years and urge everyone who is interested in pursuing excellence in learning and development to get involved in this year's study."
The Towards Maturity Benchmark study provides a unique and free opportunity for organisations to review their current approach to learning, compare their progress with peers, and use this information to help improve their performance. In 2011, a record 600 organisations took part across the public, private, and not-for-profit sectors.
eLN Board member Matt Brewer, Technology Training Consultant from Chubb Insurance Company, has already participated in the 2012 study and commented, "Having participated in the Towards Maturity Benchmarking process for the last few years, I think it easily provides the best and most comprehensive assessment of where we are in comparison with other companies who are using or planning to use online learning. Don't think, though, that the results are the only useful part of it. Just completing the Benchmark focuses the mind on areas you may need to address and provides ideas of other possible alternatives you may not have considered!"
The study closes on 27 July 2012.