Underway in Morocco

Munich/Pavia/Rabat, March 2006. Within the topical rubric of globalisation, European interests are being pursued beyond EU borders, as in the case of the EuropeAid Co-operation Office. Among the projects being sponsored by EuropAid are multi-media foreign language educational measures in nations with close proximity to the EU.

"Significant" and "defining" describe the current forerunner project underway in Morocco, which is being supported by the Italian branch office of the Munich-based language specialists, digital publishing AG.

Within the framework of a large-scale Italian consortium, digital publishing is equipping six multi-media language labs in Rabat, Casablanca, and Tangiers with professional, interactive language learning software. The commission was generated by the Moroccan Institute for Advanced Professional Training (Office de la Formation Professionnelle et de la Promotion du Travail - OFPPT), while the multi-media workstations are being financed by EuropeAid.

This project seeks to advance the principles of international understanding in the three Moroccan cities through the development of foreign language faculties and the concomitant inter-cultural dialogue. With its English, French, and Spanish interactive language learning software, digital publishing Italy is doing its part to back these efforts.