Call for Papers

EDEN: The Joy of Learning

Oslo (NO), January 2013 - The EDEN annual conference for 2013 will take place from 12-15 June, 2013, in Oslo. The event will discover and present the latest best practices, share progressive concepts and inventive solutions, and promote joint thinking and collaboration. The deadline to submit themes and proposals is 05 February 2013.

ELearning alongside open and distance education have been important fields of intellectual excitement and innovative development. Challenges posed by the new technologies are permanent, and students constantly keep teachers under pressure to develop.

Learning is becoming more and more individualized and self-managed. Individual and collective motivation, enhancement of the learning experience, and an overall improvement of learning quality are gaining ever-increasing traction.

How can we do our best to make learning a thrilling experience for learners, including providing a sense of joy in the virtual classroom?

Discussion and debate will provide a range of innovative theories and approaches about the smart use of ICT tools, new methodologies for enhanced learning experience, content-management systems, and fascinating solutions supported by game-based learning, immersive environments, multimedia, etc.

EDEN invites individuals to submit proposals for paper presentations in parallel sessions, posters, workshops, and short demonstrations that relate to the Conference themes, the full list of which is found on the website.

Submissions will be double-peer reviewed by the Conference Committee. Accepted contributions will be published in the electronic Conference Proceedings with ISBN and their summary in the printed Book of Abstracts.