What Participants Tell Kineo about eLearning Challenges
Brighton (UK), December 2009 - Kineo has taken a look at the responses of the first part of their eLearning Best Practices survey. Over 200 individuals have responded, and the second part is now open for responses. This is a summary of some of the key trends and challenges raised in responses. For each challenge, Kineo proposes links to advice on the issue.
Key finding 1: We need to work better with our Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
A total of 46% responded that they disagree or strongly disagree that a standard interview protocol applies in content gathering.
"SMEs neither understand the technology or the meaning of 'education' all they know is how to lecture - in an expert mode."
"SMEs are not prepared prior to production."
"Clarity and quality of information - SMEs often don't understand what the clients want - or need."
Kineo's comment:
Working with Subject Matter Experts may be the single most important aspect of an eLearning project. If the cooperation with the SME isn't working, you're going to run into problems. The designer / SME relationship is really the make or break.
Key finding 2: We need to be realistic about what problem we can solve
Approximately 45% responded that they disagree or strongly disagree that we apply a standard set of criteria to rank and prioritize performance opportunities.
"No time for research, everyone wants instant oatmeal."
"SMEs often have unrealistic ideas of what can be accomplished in short amounts of time, and we frequently have to cut back their objectives to meet their time limitations. It is difficult to communicate the reasons for this because they sometimes suspect consultants are trying to get more work."
"The problems that the SMEs want fixed are not always the real business problems. It's always a struggle managing 'perceived performance problems' and real ones. The reason is that - at the end of the day - if the end-user performance doesn't improve, it's the training developers who get questioned."
Kineo's comment:
It's a challenge to make sure you're focused on real business problems. This guide shares some insights on how to take a business-driven approach.
Key finding 3: We are still trying to sell the benefits
There were mixed findings here. Encouragingly, the majority of the participants seem to have clear methods for presenting to stakeholders. But 32% responded that they disagree or strongly disagree that we have clear methods for presenting training-needs analysis to stakeholders with proposed solutions.
"Often, the people we work with (our own managers included) have a very limited view into the capabilities of eLearning. Therefore, we're stuck with 'just get it done', rather than 'do it right'."
"Getting buy-in from the SME's management"
"SMEs not being prepared to take the time to 'contract' on scope, commitment, etc."
Kineo's comment:
Helping people to realize the potential of eLearning can be a challenge. We're big fans of the showcase approach - show examples that sell themselves. If you need help in selling the benefits, have a look at our More for Less Report.
Key finding 4: We need to tighten up the process
Again, there is a range of findings here. Many of the participants are working with efficient processes in place, but there are some trends that suggest there's more to be done around process:
Thirty-five percent disagree that we share a number of models for working together with our SME and let them decide on an approach that will work best for them.
Thirty-eight percent disagree that we provide each project SME a personalized project plan that documents deliverables, review periods, meetings, and other deadlines.
"Time pressures in shaping content and a limited perspective of what eLearning can achieve amongst SMEs"
"SMEs tend to want to include 'everything' in the content rather than provide references to where the learner can find what they need when they need it. It's often difficult to cut down the volume of content or get them to agree to display it in other ways, e.g. visually, scenarios, etc."
"We have a very small team with limited budget and multiple responsibilities over and above eLearning. We are also in the position of wanting to support the business with eLearning, and there is a lot of interest - but we need to take a 'soft' approach right now to sell the concept and get buy-in, hence less formalized processes".
Kineo's comment:
There's a concentration on process points here - Kineo recommends a look at the eLearning process you're using to see where you can simplify and streamline.