D2L Announces New Partnership with Copyleaks
Anaheim, CA (USA), July 2023 - From its Fusion 2023 conference, D2L, a global learning technology company, is sharing a new partnership with Copyleaks, a leading AI-based text analysis, plagiarism identification, and AI-content detection platform. As AI-generated content becomes more widespread in the workplace and educational institutions, the formula for plagiarism and its detection has dramatically evolved. Copyleaks' partnership with D2L will help empower schools worldwide to adapt to the new landscape and help see to academic integrity in a post-ChatGPT world.
Komplexe Technologie möglichst nutzerfreundlich gestalten
Berlin, April 2023 – KMU sollen von der Möglichkeit des adaptiven Lernens ebenso profitieren wie Großunternehmen. Im Rahmen des EduPLEx_API-Projektes, das KI-Ansätze zur verbesserten Personalisierung mit der Entwicklung einer mächtigeren API zur Vernetzung von Plattformen kombiniert, sorgt Thomas Kruczinski für die kommunikative Verbindung der beteiligten Fachabteilungen der WBS TRAINING AG.
Wissenslücken zu Sicherheitsthemen unterhaltsam schließen
Braunschweig, Juli 2021 - Die Cloudogu GmbH hat in ihr Tool für Source Code Management (SCM-Manager) ein kostenloses Plugin integriert, das Lernmaterialien wie Trainingsvideos und Übungen zu Sicherheitsthemen von Secure Code Warrior kontextuell in Pull Requests anzeigt. So können Entwickler und Reviewer früh im Entwicklungsprozess unsicheren Code finden und beheben. Secure Code Warrior bietet eine Lernplattform, die Entwickler dabei unterstützt, in kürzester Zeit sicheren Code zu schreiben.
doozzoo revolutioniert den Online-Musikunterricht
Meerbusch, Oktober 2020 - Stefan P. sitzt nachmittags allein im Wohnzimmer in München vor seinem Laptop und spielt auf seiner Akustikgitarre. Aus dem Notebook ertönt die Stimme seines Wiener Musiklehrers: "Bei dieser Passage bist du schneller geworden – und achte darauf, dass du die Viertelnoten legato spielst." Was sich früher gar nicht oder nur schwer realisieren ließ, ist dank doozzoo nun möglich: Online-Musikunterricht auf höchstem Niveau in bester Video- und vor allem Audioqualität mit allen benötigten Musiklerntools – ein Segen, nicht nur in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie.
Filtered and Fuse Universal Collaborate on API Integration
London (UK), December 2018 - Marc Zao-Sanders, CEO and co-founder of Filtered, has revealed that the company has completed a successful API integration with Fuse Universal for telecommunications company Colt. The purpose was to bring learning recommendations to Colt's 5,000 staff through the Fuse Universal platform.
Agylia Extends Reach into Australia and New Zealand
Bristol, September 2018 - Agylia is delighted to partner with Agylis ANZ to service the learning marketplace in Australia and New Zealand.
» MOREUpsideLMS Expands Its API and Integration library
Pune (IN), August 2018 - From new web conferencing tools to HRISs, CRMs, and beyond, UpsideLMS has added some of the most popular and best-in-class apps, systems, and tools to its API and Integration library to offer a complete learning ecosystem to businesses.
» MORERed Scout Makes Its Website a One-Stop Training Shop
Pune (IN), March 2017 - Red Scout, a provider of interactive online training focusing on the beauty industry in the Asia-Pacific region, was on the lookout for a learning-management system that was not only easy to use, cost effective, highly functional, secure, and reliable, but could also be integrated with its existing website to enable online selling of training materials. With a worldwide customer base that includes individuals and corporate, it was important that the platform be scaled with Red Scout's growing business, while allowing it to focus on the core business of providing training.
WBT Systems Enhances Social Learning for Professionals
Nashua, NH (USA), August 2016 - A major update to TopClass learning-management system offers enhanced social-learning capability for associations, continuing education, and corporate training programs. It features more rewarding and diverse learning experiences that increase engagement.