Junge KI-Unternehmen im globalen Vergleich
München, März 2019 - Ob Artificial Intelligence (AI) oder auf Deutsch künstliche Intelligenz (KI) – die lernenden Algorithmen werden die Welt wohl in großem Ausmaß verändern. Kaum ein Industrie- oder Schwellenland würde da nicht gerne vorne mitmischen. Derzeit gelten als wichtigste Geburtsstätten künstlicher Intelligenz die USA und China. Auf Platz drei findet sich Israel. Die EU könnte auf diesem Gebiet besser aufgestellt sein, sagt die Unternehmensberatung Roland Berger.
» MEHRCegos Forms International Partnership with EdCast
Paris (F), November 2018 - Cegos, a worldwide leader in training and development, and EdCast, an AI-powered knowledge cloud solution for enterprise-wide unified discovery and knowledge management, have signed a global distribution partnership agreement. » MORE
What’s Really Happening in HR Today?
Cirencester (UK), November 2018 - Fosway Group, a major European HR industry analyst, and UNLEASH have released the results of new joint research into the realities of HR across the corporate landscape of Europe. With input from 500+ senior HR leaders from predominantly enterprise organisations across Europe, the research highlights the changing face of HR today and looks ahead to the landscape of tomorrow. It explores strategic HR challenges, future HR skills and investment, plus Artificial Intelligence (AI), analytics, and the growing role of automation.
Artificial Intelligence Sparking the Future of Enterprise Learning
Toronto, ON (CA), October 2018 - Docebo 7.5 unveils the first iteration of the learning platform's evolution into an artificial intelligence (AI) platform for learning. The newest release lays the foundation for a seismic shift in enterprise learning, both internally and across the extended enterprise. Docebo's learning-specific artificial intelligence algorithms are powered by a combination of machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing.
» MORENeues AI Trading Nanodegree von Udacity
Berlin/Mountain View, August 2018 – Udacity, die globale digitale Lern- und Weiterbildungsplattform, dringt in die Finanzwelt vor und bietet ab sofort einen neuen Nanodegree-Kurs in "AI Trading" an. Bewerbungen für den sechsmonatigen Kurs sind ab sofort möglich. Der Kurs beginnt offiziell am 14. August und besteht aus zwei Kursabschnitten.
» MEHRUniversity Paris-Saclay to Advise EU on AI Strategy
Paris (F), July 2018 - An academic from University Paris-Saclay is to play a key role in advising the EU on artificial intelligence (AI). Nozha Boujemaa, director of the Data and AI institute of Université Paris-Saclay (DATAIA), has been nominated to the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLG). The group’s objective is to support the implementation of the European strategy on AI.
AI in Education Market Worth over $6bn by 2024
London (UK), June 2018 - Artificial intelligence (AI) in education market size is set to surpass US$6 billion by 2024, according to a new research report by Global Market Insights, Inc. AI in the education market is driven by the integration of the intelligent tutoring system (ITS) in the learning process. ITS is one of the advanced applications of AI aimed at providing immediate and personalized feedback and instructions to learners without the intervention of a human tutor. The numerous benefits offered by the system are a major factor augmenting its demand.
» MOREKünstliche Intelligenz erobert die Industrie
Hannover, Juni 2018 - Zum elften Mal fand die Serious Games Conference (SGC) im Rahmen der CEBIT auf dem Messegelände Hannover statt. Unter dem Leitthema "AI – Levelling Up to Intelligent Worlds" wurden Chancen und Risiken künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) branchenübergreifend diskutiert sowie der Einfluss von KI auf Games-Technologien betrachtet. Im d!talk Programm auf der Expert Stage wurde ein vielfältiges Programm mit Vorträgen, Interviews und Praxisbeispielen hochkarätiger, internationaler ReferentInnen geboten.
SweetRush Acquires VR Provider IDEA Workshop
San Francisco, CA (USA), May 2018 - SweetRush has acquired IDEA Workshop Costa Rica, a firm that specializes in the emerging technologies of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), artificial intelligence (AI), and the internet of things (IOT). IDEA Workshop will henceforth function as one of SweetRush's main service areas and is being absorbed into SweetRush's newly formed emerging technologies group, SPARK. IDEA's Adrian Soto is now Director of Future Technologies at SweetRush.
» MORELPI Launches Networking Service for Learning Leaders in Iberia
Madrid (E), May 2018 - The Learning and Performance Institute has expanded its highly successful networking service for learning leaders to cater for the local Spanish and Portuguese market. A two-day launch event brought together learning leaders in Spain and Portugal to tackle current challenges with action-based workgroups and inspirational speakers.