In sechs Wochen Künstliche Intelligenz verstehen lernen
Bonn, Januar 2020 - Unternehmen können nur mit qualifizierten Fachkräften die Chancen maximieren, die sich aus Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) ergeben. Die DIHK-Bildungs-GmbH hat daher die Lizenz für das deutschsprachige Angebot des in Finnland entwickelten und mit über 270.000 registrierten Teilnehmern überaus erfolgreichen kostenlosen Online-Lehrgangs Elements of AI erworben. Ziel ist, über IHKs und weitere Multiplikatoren insbesondere Unternehmen und deren Beschäftigten Grundlagenwissen in KI zu vermitteln. Bundeswirtschaftsminister Peter Altmaier hat die Schirmherrschaft für den Roll-out von Elements of AI in Deutschland übernommen.
» MEHRCopyleaks and Macmillan Learning Join Forces
Stamford, CT (USA), December 2019 - Copyleaks, an artificial intelligence-based plagiarism detection software company, has announced a partnership with Macmillan Learning, an educational publishing and solutions company. The joint effort will offer plagiarism detection capabilities for students and instructors. Elements of Copyleaks’s software solution are being integrated into Achieve, Macmillan Learning’s new digital learning platform, to help students develop better academic research skills and cite correctly, and also to ensure the academic integrity of their work.
» MOREEDEN 2020 Annual Conference: #eden20
Budapest (HR), December 2019 - EDEN is pleased to announce its 29th Annual Conference, hosted by the Politehnica University of Timisoara, 21-24 June 2020. The title is "Human and Artificial intelligence for the Society of the Future - Inspiring Digital Education for the Next STE(A)M Student Generation".
» MORESmart Content for Educational Publishers
Lustmühle (CH), November 2019 - Avallain, a Swiss-based company that provides award-winning education technology and tools to create, manage, and disseminate educational content, and EDIA, a Netherlands-based, edtech company that applies artificial intelligence to create smart content for educational use, have announced a technical and commercial partnership.
» MORE"At Present, AI Is Very Conservative in Its Implementation"
Brussels (BE), October 2019 – The Panel Presentation "The Future Is Bright - On AI, Curricula, and Skills Gaps" will take place at OEB Global on Thursday, 28 November, from 12.00 to 13.30. Inge de Waard (PhD) is currently leading the learning part of an InnoEnergy project that alleviates skill and competency gaps by combining artificial intelligence (AI), human resources (HR), and learning analytics to provide a personalized learning trajectory. This project combines the expertise of people working at InnoEnergy, The Open University (UK), FutureLearn, and many European university partners working on renewable energy. At the event, Inge will speak about her extensive experience in the field.
Fosway Launches New 2019 9-Grids™
Cirencester (UK), October 2019 - Fosway Group, a leading European HR-industry analyst, has unveiled its 2019 Fosway 9-Grids™ for cloud based HCM (human capital management) and talent management systems.
» MOREDocebo Successfully Completes IPO
Toronto (CA), October 2019 - Docebo Inc. has successfully launched its IPO on the Toronto Stock Exchange, marking a milestone moment and a significant achievement for the SaaS eLearning platform.
» MOREResolving Skills Gaps Issues and Preparing Students for Industry
Berlin (GER), October 2019 - OEB 2019, Berlin, 27-29 November, will show learning and edtech professionals how technology can overcome skills gaps and better prepare students for the workplace. The Conference will explore the impact of AI and a new view on designing educational programmes that deliver on learners’ and employers’ needs.
» MOREUNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize
Paris (F), September 2019 - The UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the use of ICT in education is now accepting candidatures. The theme of the 2019 edition is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to innovate education, teaching, and learning. The deadline for nominations is 31 October 2019.
» MOREDiscover Learning in a World in Which Learning Has No Limits
Berlin (GER), September 2019 - OEB has published its conference programme for this year’s event, which will take place in Berlin’s Intercontinental Hotel, 27-29 November. The 25th edition of OEB, incorporating Learning Technologies, will highlight key issues changing the face of education: AI; blockchain for education; self-directed learning at work; immersive learning on a budget; learning spaces in the digital age; students as changemakers; holograms as educational tools; employability-focussed learning outcomes; the impact of government regulations on private education; agile L&D teams; and many more.