
In-Person Learning

Why Using Technology to Learn a Language Isn't Always Beneficial

Barcelona (E), November 2022 - Meta has announced that it has built a speech-to-speech translation system powered by AI that can automatically translate spoken words from one language to another, especially languages that don't have a written form. Currently only partly developed in Israel, the technology is translating languages starting with Hokkien, a Taiwanese language that lacks a standard written form.


Live User Conference

Learning Pool Introduces Global AI-Based Skills Solution

Derry (IRL), October 2022 - Learning Pool, an award-winning learning technologies company, has announced the launch of a major new product ahead of its fourteenth annual Learning Pool Live user conference. The release will leverage the know-how of People-Analytix, a Swiss-based pioneer in AI-powered skills technology that was recently acquired by Learning Pool. The shift to put skills at the centre of Learning Pool's technology offering is a wider reflection of the most profound change seen in learning technologies in recent times.



Millions in Funding for New AI Research Group

Bremen (GER), July 2022 - As part of a strategic funding initiative on artificial intelligence (AI), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [German Research Foundation - DFG] is establishing eight new research groups. One of them is coming to Bremen: the research group "Lifespan AI: From Longitudinal Data to Lifespan Inference in Health", headed by Professor Tanja Schultz from the University of Bremen and Professor Marvin N. Wright from the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology - BIPS.



"The Nature of Learning Goals Is Dynamic Rather than Fixed"

Prof. Dr. Dirk IfenthalerMannheim (GER), April 2022 - Prof. Dr. Dirk Ifenthaler is involved in the development and evaluation of AI-based personalization approaches for in-company continuing education in a University of Mannheim project funded by Germany’s Ministry of Education and Research. The effort is called KAMAELEON, the German acronym for "Contact-Based, Adaptive Measures for Effective Learning Support in Continuing Education", and it is also the title of his presentation at the LEARNTEC congress, 01 June at 16:15.


The IMPACT Project

Feedback with AI and Trusted Learning Analytics at Universities

Frankfurt/Hagen (GER), April 2022 - In the joint project known as IMPACT, five universities are working together that have outstanding expertise in the area of ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI), as well as practical experience in the didactic use of learning analytics. The effort, whose full title is "Implementation of AI-Based Feedback and Assessment with Trusted Learning Analytics at Universities", is being undertaken by Frankfurt am Main’s Goethe Universität, Berlin’s Humboldt Universität, the FernUniversität in Hagen (Germany’s only state distance learning university), the Freie Universität of Berlin, and Universität Bremen.


Learning Cloud

LMS - intelligent Lernen mit Artificial Intelligence

Leipzig, Mai 2022 - "Alexa, wie kann mich Artificial Intelligence beim Lernen unterstützen?" Ob digitale Assistenz von Alexa und Siri, Gesichtserkennung oder autonomes Fahren, Artificial Intelligence (AI) ist inzwischen fester Bestandteil des Alltags. Die Softwaretechnologien unterstützen dabei nicht nur im Privatleben, sondern bergen auch für Unternehmen enorme Potenziale, beispielsweise für die Prozessoptimierung, Entlastung von Mitarbeitenden oder Weiterbildung. 


Inworld Studio

Enabling Developers and Creators to Build Intelligent Virtual Characters

Mountain View, CA (USA), May 2022 - Inworld AI has released the beta version of Inworld Studio, a platform that empowers developers and creators to build AI-powered virtual characters that demonstrate human-like perception, cognitive abilities, and behaviors. Immersive realities continue to accelerate with an increasingly diverse ecosystem of worlds and use cases: gaming, virtual worlds, metaverse platforms, and enterprise applications. With Inworld, developers can build any variety of characters, such as onboarding guides, brand representatives, intelligent game NPCs, native metaverse inhabitants, or corporate training agents.


Digitale Lernwelt

Adaptiv und AI-gestützt: Die Lecturio Learning Cloud

Leipzig, Mai 2022 - Der Leipziger eLearning-Anbieter Lecturio ist vom 31. Mai bis 2. Juni 2022 als Aussteller auf der Messe in Karlsruhe vertreten, um sich mit Kund*innen und interessierten Besucher*innen über die Möglichkeiten digitaler Aus- und Weiterbildung mit Lecturio auszutauschen.


Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik

AI for Humanitarian Work

DagstuhlWadern (GER), March 2022 - Experts on artificial intelligence (AI) from Google and academia met with international not-for-profit organizations (NGOs) at Schloss Dagstuhl in northern Saarland in Germany. Together, they tried to find ways to employ the power of AI for humanitarian and development work.