Leadership Training
Taggart Constructs Better Leaders with Lumify Work
Christchurch (NZ), March 2024 - Formed in the early 1950s, Taggart Earthmoving has played a role in some of Canterbury's most significant construction projects. They engaged with Lumify Work New Zealand (formerly Auldhouse) for leadership training in NZ.
» MOREThe Princess Royal Training Awards
London (UK), September 2019 - HRH Princess Anne, President of City & Guilds Group, has recognised 44 organisations with 2019 Princess Royal Training Awards. Recipients shared compelling, irrefutable evidence of how training has directly influenced business results.
» MOREOpenSesame Announces Partnership with Mindscaling
Portland, OR (USA), May 2019 - OpenSesame, an eLearning innovator, has announced the addition of Mindscaling to its popular OpenSesame Plus subscription to expand its world-class offering of curated leadership training critical to enterprise organizations. In today's complex, increasingly global ecosystem where business challenges evolve at record speed, organizations need to prepare leaders and managers for the future.
» MOREKünstliche Intelligenz: Jeder zweite Deutsche ist skeptisch
München, April 2019 - Dass Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) in Zukunft einen großen Einfluss auf unser Arbeitsleben haben wird, ist allgemeiner Konsens. Doch wie sehen Führungskräfte und Mitarbeiter die Chancen und Risiken der Künstlichen Intelligenz? Dale Carnegie ist der Frage in einer internationalen Studie nachgegangen – und hat regionale Unterschiede ausgemacht.
Kineo Releases Version 2 of ManagementPlus
Chicago, IL (USA), January 2015 - Kineo has released a version 2 of ManagementPlus, its innovative solution for developing frontline managers. Version 2 adds new features and an improve user interface to further increase engagement and help participants create and carry out intentions to develop their skills.