

The Key to the Success of the Knowledge Economy

Brussels (BE)/ Sophia Antipolis (F), June 2008 - During a fruitful meeting of the EC with the officially recognized European Standardization Organisations (ESOs) CEN, CENELEC, and ETSI, several key areas were discussed. » MORE

Best Practices

Best Practices for deploying a Learning Content Management System

Berlin (DE), June 2008 - What best practices should organizations follow when they decide to deploy a Learning Content Management System (LCMS)? An LCMS allows L&D to become an active part of the organization's competitive mix. Reaping its full advantage requires a strategic, well-planned approach to implementation-”one that capitalizes on established best practices. By adhering to best practices, organizations can implement their LCMS effectively and in a way that lay a solid foundation for long-term success. » MORE

Knowledge transfer

The Bridge Between an Older Workforce and the New Generation

The Hague (NL), June 2008 - Danny de Vos, eLearning Project Manager at Kadaster, a Dutch Land Registrary Office, explains how her organization handles knowledge transfer from an aging workforce planning retirement to the next generation of employees. Kadaster collects information about registered properties in the Netherlands, records them in public registers and cadastral maps, and makes this information available to the public. » MORE

What is an LCMS?

A Knowledge-centric Approach to Learning Content Management

Berlin (DE), June 2008 - In today's knowledge driven world economy, the distribution of relevant, current learning content to widely dispersed employees has become a competitive necessity. Organizations must manage the complex process of creating learning content. Content must be localized and personalized to meet the specific, on-demand requirements of individuals in a cost-efficient way. » MORE

Job Performance

Improve Performance with Competency Based Learning

The Hague (Netherlands), June 2008 - Dr. Göran Kattenberg, Director of Product Management at Eedo Knowledgeware explains what competency based learning is, for what type of organizations competency based learning is most suitable, how it can affect organizations' learning programs, what challenges organizations will have when implementing competency based learning and what the benefits are for the employees. » MORE

Product news

Improve performance and productivity with Eedo ForceTen

Nashua (US), June 2008 - Eedo ForceTen is a highly scalable Learning Content Management System (LCMS), enabling organizations to dramatically improve employee performance, regulatory compliance, sales productivity, customer service, and enterprise profitability through faster, more effective knowledge transfer and on-the-job performance. » MORE


Finding Method Amongst the Madness

Nashua (US), June 2008 - Content management is emerging, generally, as a key challenge in the sphere of learning systems. Organizations operating in highly regulated environments - those in health sciences, aviation, banking and financial services - are facing significant content management issues with specific regard to training related to regulatory compliance. Such organizations must provide training and certification, with regard to regulatory schemes that address, e.g., security, privacy, data retention, health and safety, or the license to sell specific regulated products or services. » MORE

Get it for free

Epic combat Age Discrimination at work with eLearning

Brighton (UK), May 2008 - Age discrimination affects the aspiration of both young and old, and prevents organisations from reaping the benefits of an age-diverse workforce. Therefore Epic are supporting the Campaign for Learning's National Work day by making it's Age Awareness eLearning programme available free until June 5th. The programme is an engaging 60-minutes piece of online training. » MORE

Knowledge Management

U&I Learning wins contract with Infrabel

Ghent (BE), May 2008 - U&I Learning, the knowledge transfer company with branches in Belgium, the Netherlands and France, has won an important government contract with Infrabel. Infrabel is responsible for the daily exploitation and the infrastructure of the Belgian railways. » MORE


As much as necessary, as little as possible!

Saarbruecken (GER)/London (UK), May 2008 - IMC AG has released a considerably improved version of its learning management system CLIX. "We put special emphasis on the improvement of event management", says Frank Milius, board member at IMC responsible for product development. "Learners benefit from clearer navigation whilst administrators benefit from additional settings that accelerate and simplify business processes." » MORE