Using e-Assessment to Enhance Student Learning
Barcelona (E), June 2016 - The ETHE journal is a publication with twelve years of history, published by the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) since the beginning. The University of the Andes (Colombia) has recently been incorporated as co-editor. During the first stage, the journal was consolidated under the name of RUSC, "Journal of University and Knowledge Society". Since 2016, the internationalization of the journal has been strengthened by becoming published by the prestigious Springer group, at which point the journal opted for a change of name.
» MOREOpen-Source Projects Don’t Always Operate Democratically
Barcelona (E), May 2016 – (by Jordi Rovira) The purpose of the open-source software movement is to advocate open (the code is public), collaborative (the community participates in the development process) software development. However, neither this goal nor the theoretically democratic functioning that one would expect is always met. This is the main conclusion reached by the SOM Research Lab at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya's (UOC) Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3).
» MOREWhat You Know Matters More Than Who You Know
London (UK), May 2016 - Research from the UCL School of Management reveals that working for a high-profile manager can secure a promotion at another organisation, but being hired based on a connection might not lead to a successful career in the long run.
» MOREKiron Open Higher Education Uses tt knowledge force
Heidelberg (GER), May 2016 - Refugees have a hard time getting access to higher education. They have to wait for their right of residence to be determined, and their documents often go missing during flight. Berlin’s Kiron Open Higher Education wants to provide a remedy to this situation and is enabling displaced people from around the world to pursue a course of study right through to a recognized degree qualification - free of cost. Participants complete online foundation courses over two years while learning German.
» MOREUnconscious Bias Training Programmes in Higher Education
London (UK), April 2016 - Marshall, the equality and diversity specialist eLearning consultancy, have launched a new training course that looks at the student context of unconscious bias, available now to universities across the UK.
» MOREVideo Assignments that Assess More than Knowledge
New York, NY (USA), April 2016 - Today's students are expected to know more than just facts; being able to communicate that information is just as important. How can their instructors evaluate both knowledge and skills simultaneously without increasing their own workloads?
» MOREPrevent Duty eLearning Course for Universities and Colleges
Bath (UK), April 2016 - Developed with a leading HE institute, Cylix's new eLearning course provides staff with a practical guide to implementing the Prevent Duty sensitively and effectively.
» MOREFully Customisable and Adaptive Online Platforms
Hampshire (UK), April 2016 - Addressing higher education institutions and faculty concerns around student outcomes, feedback, and engagement has meant publishing products have evolved swiftly to supply learning resources in an array of formats – from traditional print to fully customisable and adaptive online platforms. In the following, Dr Andrew Ashwin, Head of Higher & Vocational Education Publishing for the EMEA region at global education company Cengage Learning, shares his thoughts on the many benefits this brings to students and lecturers alike.
Students Invent First Device to Monitor Wine Maturation
Paris (F), April 2016 - The first portable device to monitor wine as it matures has been developed by a team of students from Université Paris-Saclay. The students adapted blood-analysis technology invented by biotech start-up Archimej Technology into a unique device allowing real-time control of wine quality, eliminating the huge financial costs and vast quantities of wine that are lost from biological phenomena.
» MOREFree eLearning to Support Cancer Care in the Community
Plymouth (UK), March 2016 - A free eLearning programme is being launched to help health and social care workers broaden their knowledge of cancer care in the community. The Royal Marsden School, which has a national and international reputation for excellence in cancer education, has commissioned eLearning provider Sponge UK to create the new healthcare training.